Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Quick reminder, if you don't have somewhere to go or someone to hang out with this week, call up any of the Bishopric or Ashley Gengler. You're more than welcome to spend some time with them. They love you and want you to be part of their families for the break. I would totally take them up on that offer.
Okay, here are the important announcements for this week:
1. Well, tithing settlements are going on all day today, but if you still haven't met with Bishop, call Austin 512-818-9695, Grant 817-707-1794, or Travis 603-729-6402 to set up an appointment. It literally only takes 5 minutes. And Bishop is awesome, so it's even better.
2. Tomorrow night @7pm is FHE. Groups might be small, so be excited to possibly combine groups.
3. Also tomorrow, @9:15pm is the run/walk/basketball activity at the Smith Fieldhouse.
4. Thursday is Thanksgiving, so refer to the top of this post if you don't have somewhere to be. Please drive safe and enjoy your break!
5. Sunday, December 1st is Fast Sunday.
6. No institute this week, but next Wednesday, December 4th @7pm in the JFSB.
7. Sunday, December 8th @6pm is the First Presidency Christmas Devotional!
Here's our lesson recap:
Jaden Harvier: Elder Holland April 2013 “Lord, I Believe”
Basically on part of the scriptures: On one occasion Jesus came upon a group arguing vehemently with His disciples. When the Savior inquired as to the cause of this contention, the father of an afflicted child stepped forward, saying he had approached Jesus’s disciples for a blessing for his son, but they were not able to provide it. With the boy still gnashing his teeth, foaming from the mouth, and thrashing on the ground in front of them, the father appealed to Jesus with what must have been last-resort desperation in his voice:
“If thou canst do any thing,” he said, “have compassion on us, and help us. “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. “And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” “Straightway,” the scripture says—not slowly nor skeptically nor cynically but “straightway”—the father cries out in his unvarnished parental pain, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”
Gives 3 observations:
1. In moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited.
Jaden’s dad was called to be Bishop recently after his conversion. Felt his faith wasn’t as strong as others’.
Examples of those who didn’t think they had enough faith?
Ginger: My mom converted when she was 19. When she got baptized her family kind of pulled away, then when she was sealed in the temple, her family completely disowned her. She is on fire and I know Heavenly Father can help us through our greatest trials.
Jackie: You learn about faith for yourself. I feel like I’m learning something about it every day. As I listen to promptings I know, okay I’m going in the right direction.
Brittany: I know I’m like that where I say , Lord, I believe, then I’m stuck figuring out where I am . I didn’t have a strong testimony of tithing. I was doing it because I had a testimony of other things that were true. When you have a testimony of the gospel, you at least know what direction you should be working in. When the prophet says one thing and I don’t have a testimony of it yet, I know he’s right and I can follow that direction and gain a testimony of it later.
You have faith in the truth you already know. I was reading a blog and this lady heard others say, “I know this” but she didn’t really know herself. I’m kind of the same way. I just kind of have faith but don’t always know. Last year I was having a hard time understanding some things. I’m the youngest of 5. Last year my oldest sister was having really hard problems. I didn’t really know her growing up because she was always in drugs and stuff. She got to the point where she would just leave her sons with her parents and take off. I remember praying to the Lord that he would help her. I remember a seminary lesson, “don’t question the Lord’s timing.” After that she started to change and now she’s home and sober. I had a hard time, but I always hoped she would come back and she did.
2nd observation: Be true to the faith you do have. In this Church, what we know will always trump what we do not know. And remember, in this world, everyone is to walk by faith.
Talk by Uchtdorf: what about my doubts?
I’ve always believed in the church but of course I’ve also had doubts. One of my biggest doubts, I asked my mom, even though I know families can be together forever, I don’t know how we’re going to be together one day. If God loves us how can he separate us because someone isn’t doing everything right? She said, it doesn’t make sense right now, but it will work out the way it needs to.
Ashley: The first time I heard this talk I thought about gospel principles. There are some controversial issues being addressed right now. The hardest times where I’ve doubted have been when I ask Lord, help my unbelief. I pray for help to get through it, and he always does. I know that these principles apply to both times. Whether you’re doubting a principle, or that things will work out, he really will help your unbelief in those areas.
Marren: I think something that’s useful, is there are people I trust in their gospel knowledge, and I go and ask them. It’s okay to doubt, and it’s okay to go ask about them. I know people who have left the church because they didn’t talk about it. Share your doubts.
Brittany: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with someone who has questions still. Alma 32 talks about how there are some that just have cause to believe. I haven’t physically seen the savior, but I believe in him. Faith begins where your comfort zone of knowledge ends. That’s how you plant the seed of faith and try something out. Heavenly Father has a really good batting average. Every time I step out of the circle and try something he says, it works out. It’s having trust in Heavenly Father that it will work out.
Evie: In August I feel like I was one one of the strongest spiritual highs of my life. Then September came, and I felt swallowed in darkness. Then all of a sudden I couldn’t remember what the peace and beauty of the temple felt like. When we exercise our faith, Satan also knows we’re exercising our faith. When those who saw the plates, 2 of them said I don’t have the courage to do this. It takes courage to continue when things don’t go the way we pictured. It takes courage to be here. It takes courage to be childlike and submissive. It’s hard to work through these things sometimes, but I have a deep testimony of this church. It takes courage to hold to this rod.
Amber: I’ve had times where I felt lie Peter, that I could step out of the boat, then I start sinking and the Savior helps me back to the boat saying good try. Next time I’ll help you get farther. He’s teaching us to not sink.
3. When doubt or difficulty come, do not be afraid to ask for help.
The only perfect person was Christ. You can always ask for help. You can ask other members of the Church or go straight to Heavenly Father.
Bro. Porter: I find it interesting that we’re talking about doubts, but I feel the Spirit. Isn’t it interesting how we can talk about doubts and the Spirit can be here testifying that it’s okay. We’re going to learn line upon line, precept upon precept. You don’t learn everything the first time you go to the temple. That’s the way heavenly father designed it. It’s all part of the plan. It’s how he teaches us.
Evie: In my work, I work in an office where we help people achieve their financial goals. We ask them to do hard things. Sometimes this is an intangible thing, these goals, but how we help these people stay committed to their goals is help them realize what their real goal is. Why are we here? What do we want to learn today? We can reach our eternal goals, but we have to know what it is and work for it.
How can we keep our testimony alive?
Ginger: I definitely see a correlation with how easy life is. I can wait tomorrow to read my scriptures. I can see the spiritual protection of scripture study. When I don’t maintain my study that’s when I have a hard time. I’m not saying that scripture study will force you to have a testimony, but it will protect you.
Brittany: Prayer. I feel like my testimony is strongest when I really on Heavenly Father. Any time we’re stepping outside our comfort zone, that’s when our testimonies are growing.
Ashley: I know the times when I’ve had doubts, I can look back. L like journal writing to look back and see the Lord’s hand in my life. Just trying to see where the Lord’s hand was in my life that day puts things back into perspective for me.
It’s okay to have questions and doubts, so how does that make you feel about your testimony?
Caitlin: Knowing that others have questions and doubts, it helps me know that there’s room to grow. Every year is one more year to be who Heavenly Father wants me to be.
Sarah: It’s natural because that helps us search the scriptures and conference talks. We can search things out by ourselves instead of having everything handed to us. We get blessing just from reading the scriptures every day. We’ll get blessings in our every day lives that we might not have seen.
Bro. Porter: Each day I get the chance to read from the BOM with my daughter before she goes to school. It strikes me that every time I open the BOM, the spirit always testifies to me that it is a true book of God. The spirit testifies to me every day. I think that’s critical! Our testimonies have to be based on the foundations of the gospel. It’s only through reading, studying, pondering, and praying. Everything else will come, but you should always have that foundation to fall back on. That is a great blessing to me in my life. I’ve seen others fall away because of their doubts, even when those things turned out to be false.
Marren: approaching mormon doctrine. Approach doctrine with our intellect and the spirit. So many things pop up on social media where we don’t know if it’s true or not, but we can find out for ourselves.
Jaden: we can always have doubts, but be strong enough to rely on the faith we do have. Heavenly Father will always answer our doubts. Don’t falter away because of a little doubt that you have.
Ashley: one thing that’s been on my mind lately is how aware of me and you god is. He loves you and is there for you. It doesn’t mean he won’t let you struggle a bit, because that’s where the growth comes from. You will make it. I have a really strong testimony of that principle that god is there.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Halfway through November
Hello lovely ladies!
You are all amazing and beautiful. Just throwing that out there. Here are this week's announcements and the lesson recap.
1. Tomorrow night at 7pm we are going to the Bishopric members' homes.
2. Wednesday @7pm is Institute @B092 JFSB
3. Thursday @7pm is the Stake Quick Connect @ the Pioneer building.
4. Friday from 6-8pm at Kellie's house, we'll be having a combined Relief Society activity. More details will be posted on the ward Facebook page. If you haven't joined that page, please do so!
5. Sunday, December 8th @6pm is the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.
Our lesson today was taught by none other than the lovely Brittany Bailey.
Brittany Bailey Chapter 17 Lorenzo Snow “Priesthood for the salvation of the human family”
The priesthood we hold has been revealed for the salvation of the human family. We must be lively in our minds in reference to it.
Have you had questions from your nonmember friends about the priesthood?
Ashley: It’s a sign of old fashions traditions and authority.
Emilie: Can women hold it too? Do only men get to have the priesthood?
Brittany: Power in the kingdom of God is something completely different.
D&C 121:34-37
What is power and authority in the world?
Kiersten: putting people down, but priesthood is opposite by serving them
Brittany: compulsion and forcing people to do something they don’t want to do. We think something different in the Church.
In verse 37 it basically says, if you exercise power in the way the world does, amen to your authority in heaven.
41-45. People will want to follow our examples and emulate the Savior.
This is my work and my glory: Elder Ballard
Just as a woman cannot conceive a child without a man, a man cannot fully exercise the power of the priesthood without the woman.
The life of President Snow has great examples of how men can get access to the priesthood and how we can receive those blessings.
Elder Snow said that when he considered preaching the gospel among the Waldenses, “a flood of light seemed to burst upon my mind.”1 But despite these assurances, he felt that it was unwise to begin active missionary work immediately because enemies of the Church had distributed publications among the people, spreading lies about the Church.2 Elder Snow reported, “As I felt it was the mind of the Spirit that we should proceed at first, by slow and cautious steps, I submitted to the will of heaven.”
Although the missionaries did not begin preaching right away, Elder Snow oversaw the publication of pamphlets in Italian and French. In addition, he and his companions befriended the people around them. “We endeavoured to lay a foundation for future usefulness,” he said, “in silently preparing the minds of the people for the reception of the Gospel, by cultivating friendly feelings in the bosoms of those by whom we were surrounded. Yet I felt it rather singular, and no small tax upon patience, to be weeks, and months, in the midst of an interesting people, without being actively and publicly engaged in communicating the great principles which I had come to promulgate.”
He’s with these people and he feels like they’re still not very receptive to the gospel so he’s being their friend and getting to know them.
Then he had the opportunity to give a blessing that wouldn’t only benefit the boy, but also his family and community.
Troubled by the opposition to the preaching of the gospel and concerned about little Joseph Guy, Elder Snow turned to the Lord for help that evening. He later recalled: “For some hours before I retired to rest, I called upon the Lord to assist us at this time. My feelings on this occasion will not be easily erased from memory.
It’s really cool how he was so concerned by what he should say that he spent hours in prayer.
Elder Snow continued: “After a little rest upon the mountains, aside from any likelihood of interruption, we there called upon the Lord in solemn prayer, to spare the life of the child. As I contemplated the course we wished to pursue and the claims we should soon advance to the world, I regarded this circumstance as one of vast importance. I know not any sacrifice which I could possibly make, that I was not willing to offer that the Lord might grant our requests.”
How did he prepare himself to administer the priesthood? There wasn’t anything he was going to with hold from the Lord.
Priesthood bearers are messengers of theAlmighty, with authority delegated from heaven to administer holy ordinances.
We, the Latter-day Saints, profess to have received from God the fulness of the everlasting gospel; we profess to be in possession of the holy Priesthood—the delegated authority of God to man, by virtue of which we administer in its ordinances acceptably to him.8
Any man who will humble himself before God and will be immersed in water, after repentance, for the remission of his sins, shall receive, through the laying on of hands, the gift of the Holy Ghost. Can I give this to him? No, I, simply as a messenger of the Almighty to whom has been delegated authority, administer immersion for the remission of sins; I simply immerse him in water, having authority so to do. I simply lay my hands upon him for the reception of the Holy Ghost, then God, from his presence, acknowledges my authority, acknowledges that I am his messenger, and confers the Holy Ghost upon the individual.9
When [I have] baptiz[ed] people and administer[ed] the ordinances of this holy priesthood, God has confirmed those administrations by imparting the Holy Ghost, giving a knowledge to the individuals to whom I administered, convincing them that the authority was delegated from heaven.
Delegation is to send someone as a representative.
D&C 84:34-38
Why do you think it’s important to prepare ourselves to receive the blessings of the priesthood?
Ginger: if we receive the blessings of the priesthood now that will lead us to receive the blessings of eternal life.
Brittany: vs. 38 being able to receive the blessings of the priesthood is necessary to receiving everything the father has.
Have you ever had the experience where someone had the knowledge that someone was literally administering for Heavenly Father?
Jackie: family promised that they would be sealed in the temple, son would serve mission, daughter would be sealed in the temple. At the time it wasn’t possible at all. But it did happen.
Evie: there was a guy from Sengal who was called to the Bishopric, he set her apart as a Sunday school teacher. He said he couldn’t and didn’t want to because he didn’t know how. He said lines verbatum, lines from my patriarchal blessing. There were lines I didn’t understand and he expanded what she needed to learn. He had no idea. How beautiful blessings can be reiterated at different time of our lives across the country.
Elder Snow talks about how priesthood holders need to serve others.
There are men in this Church who are as good in their hearts and feelings as men ever were, but lack faith and energy, and do not obtain really what is their privilege to receive. If their faith, their energy and determination were equal to their good feelings and desires, their honesty and goodness, they would indeed be mighty men in Israel; and sickness and disease and the power of the evil one would flee before them as chaff before the wind.
Try and bolster our friends in their abilities to administer the priesthood. It’s about them being humble and worthy.
Godliness cannot be conferred but must be acquired, a fact of which the religious world seem[s] strangely and lamentably unconscious. Seek to benefit others, and others will seek to benefit you; and he that would be great, let him be good, studying the interests of the whole, becoming the servant of all.
Brittany: I have a testimony that that is what the Priesthood is about. I’m so grateful for it and that HF has provided a way for us to receive those blessings. I pray we can work on being worthy to receive those blessings.
Ashley: I also know the priesthood is real. Last year I was struggling with some things and the priesthood holder I asked mentioned something at the end that had nothing to do with what I told him was going on, but what was really stressing me out.
You are all amazing and beautiful. Just throwing that out there. Here are this week's announcements and the lesson recap.
1. Tomorrow night at 7pm we are going to the Bishopric members' homes.
2. Wednesday @7pm is Institute @B092 JFSB
3. Thursday @7pm is the Stake Quick Connect @ the Pioneer building.
4. Friday from 6-8pm at Kellie's house, we'll be having a combined Relief Society activity. More details will be posted on the ward Facebook page. If you haven't joined that page, please do so!
5. Sunday, December 8th @6pm is the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.
Our lesson today was taught by none other than the lovely Brittany Bailey.
Brittany Bailey Chapter 17 Lorenzo Snow “Priesthood for the salvation of the human family”
The priesthood we hold has been revealed for the salvation of the human family. We must be lively in our minds in reference to it.
Have you had questions from your nonmember friends about the priesthood?
Ashley: It’s a sign of old fashions traditions and authority.
Emilie: Can women hold it too? Do only men get to have the priesthood?
Brittany: Power in the kingdom of God is something completely different.
D&C 121:34-37
What is power and authority in the world?
Kiersten: putting people down, but priesthood is opposite by serving them
Brittany: compulsion and forcing people to do something they don’t want to do. We think something different in the Church.
In verse 37 it basically says, if you exercise power in the way the world does, amen to your authority in heaven.
41-45. People will want to follow our examples and emulate the Savior.
This is my work and my glory: Elder Ballard
Just as a woman cannot conceive a child without a man, a man cannot fully exercise the power of the priesthood without the woman.
The life of President Snow has great examples of how men can get access to the priesthood and how we can receive those blessings.
Elder Snow said that when he considered preaching the gospel among the Waldenses, “a flood of light seemed to burst upon my mind.”1 But despite these assurances, he felt that it was unwise to begin active missionary work immediately because enemies of the Church had distributed publications among the people, spreading lies about the Church.2 Elder Snow reported, “As I felt it was the mind of the Spirit that we should proceed at first, by slow and cautious steps, I submitted to the will of heaven.”
Although the missionaries did not begin preaching right away, Elder Snow oversaw the publication of pamphlets in Italian and French. In addition, he and his companions befriended the people around them. “We endeavoured to lay a foundation for future usefulness,” he said, “in silently preparing the minds of the people for the reception of the Gospel, by cultivating friendly feelings in the bosoms of those by whom we were surrounded. Yet I felt it rather singular, and no small tax upon patience, to be weeks, and months, in the midst of an interesting people, without being actively and publicly engaged in communicating the great principles which I had come to promulgate.”
He’s with these people and he feels like they’re still not very receptive to the gospel so he’s being their friend and getting to know them.
Then he had the opportunity to give a blessing that wouldn’t only benefit the boy, but also his family and community.
Troubled by the opposition to the preaching of the gospel and concerned about little Joseph Guy, Elder Snow turned to the Lord for help that evening. He later recalled: “For some hours before I retired to rest, I called upon the Lord to assist us at this time. My feelings on this occasion will not be easily erased from memory.
It’s really cool how he was so concerned by what he should say that he spent hours in prayer.
Elder Snow continued: “After a little rest upon the mountains, aside from any likelihood of interruption, we there called upon the Lord in solemn prayer, to spare the life of the child. As I contemplated the course we wished to pursue and the claims we should soon advance to the world, I regarded this circumstance as one of vast importance. I know not any sacrifice which I could possibly make, that I was not willing to offer that the Lord might grant our requests.”
How did he prepare himself to administer the priesthood? There wasn’t anything he was going to with hold from the Lord.
Priesthood bearers are messengers of theAlmighty, with authority delegated from heaven to administer holy ordinances.
We, the Latter-day Saints, profess to have received from God the fulness of the everlasting gospel; we profess to be in possession of the holy Priesthood—the delegated authority of God to man, by virtue of which we administer in its ordinances acceptably to him.8
Any man who will humble himself before God and will be immersed in water, after repentance, for the remission of his sins, shall receive, through the laying on of hands, the gift of the Holy Ghost. Can I give this to him? No, I, simply as a messenger of the Almighty to whom has been delegated authority, administer immersion for the remission of sins; I simply immerse him in water, having authority so to do. I simply lay my hands upon him for the reception of the Holy Ghost, then God, from his presence, acknowledges my authority, acknowledges that I am his messenger, and confers the Holy Ghost upon the individual.9
When [I have] baptiz[ed] people and administer[ed] the ordinances of this holy priesthood, God has confirmed those administrations by imparting the Holy Ghost, giving a knowledge to the individuals to whom I administered, convincing them that the authority was delegated from heaven.
Delegation is to send someone as a representative.
D&C 84:34-38
Why do you think it’s important to prepare ourselves to receive the blessings of the priesthood?
Ginger: if we receive the blessings of the priesthood now that will lead us to receive the blessings of eternal life.
Brittany: vs. 38 being able to receive the blessings of the priesthood is necessary to receiving everything the father has.
Have you ever had the experience where someone had the knowledge that someone was literally administering for Heavenly Father?
Jackie: family promised that they would be sealed in the temple, son would serve mission, daughter would be sealed in the temple. At the time it wasn’t possible at all. But it did happen.
Evie: there was a guy from Sengal who was called to the Bishopric, he set her apart as a Sunday school teacher. He said he couldn’t and didn’t want to because he didn’t know how. He said lines verbatum, lines from my patriarchal blessing. There were lines I didn’t understand and he expanded what she needed to learn. He had no idea. How beautiful blessings can be reiterated at different time of our lives across the country.
Elder Snow talks about how priesthood holders need to serve others.
There are men in this Church who are as good in their hearts and feelings as men ever were, but lack faith and energy, and do not obtain really what is their privilege to receive. If their faith, their energy and determination were equal to their good feelings and desires, their honesty and goodness, they would indeed be mighty men in Israel; and sickness and disease and the power of the evil one would flee before them as chaff before the wind.
Try and bolster our friends in their abilities to administer the priesthood. It’s about them being humble and worthy.
Godliness cannot be conferred but must be acquired, a fact of which the religious world seem[s] strangely and lamentably unconscious. Seek to benefit others, and others will seek to benefit you; and he that would be great, let him be good, studying the interests of the whole, becoming the servant of all.
Brittany: I have a testimony that that is what the Priesthood is about. I’m so grateful for it and that HF has provided a way for us to receive those blessings. I pray we can work on being worthy to receive those blessings.
Ashley: I also know the priesthood is real. Last year I was struggling with some things and the priesthood holder I asked mentioned something at the end that had nothing to do with what I told him was going on, but what was really stressing me out.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Stake Conference Sunday Session
Here's a continuation of the wonderfulness of Stake Conference. This is today's notes, again, what the Spirit was teaching me and what stood out to me.
Brother Peter Mourik, Stake Patriarch:
-Isaiah 60:1-2
-Doctrine & Covenants 50:29 "And if ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus and it shall be done."
-We don't need to be perfect to receive blessings. Baby steps of improvement.
-Patriarchal blessings give highlights of your life. You can fill in the details.
-Remind the Lord of the blessings you desire.
-Improve a little every day and the Lord will bless you in His time and according to your faith.
President Fillmore, Stake Presidency Counselor:
-Don't be complacent with your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Don't let misalignments distort your relation.
-Always remember that the Savior is always ready to provide clear direction.
-Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
-D&C 4:7 "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
President Pearson, Stake Presidency Counselor:
-3 Nephi 18:18 "Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for Satan desireth to have you, that he may sift you as wheat."
-Alma 34:39 "Yea, and I also exhort you, my brethren, that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be led away by the temptations of the devil, that he may not overpower you, that ye may not become his subjects at the last day; for behold, he rewardeth you no good thing."
-When you are not being watchful is when Satan attacks.
-D&C 101:53-54 "Ought ye not to have done even as I commanded you, and—after ye had planted the vineyard, and built the hedge round about, and set watchmen upon the walls thereof—built the tower also, and set a watchman upon the tower, and watched for my vineyard, and not have fallen asleep, lest the enemy should come upon you?
And behold, the watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy while he was yet afar off; and then ye could have made ready and kept the enemy from breaking down the hedge thereof, and saved my vineyard from the hands of the destroyer."
-Have you built your watchtower? Is it tall enough to see the enemy far off? Is it strong enough? Are you watching? We are all vulnerable; the most elect and the strongest returned missionary.
-Elder Andersen's talk "Never Leave Him." http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2010/10/never-leave-him
Sister Fillmore, Relief Society President:
-The only way to stay on the straight and narrow is to be lead by the Savior.
Sister Ashton, new Temple Matron:
-"Our covenants become the blood on the doorpost in our latter-day passover." -Elder Bednar
-All families need to start in the temple.
-Seek the guidance of the Spirit on finding your eternal companion.
-Be aware of spiritual deal breakers.
-DTRWG= Determine the relationship with God
President Ashton, new Temple President:
-The temple will help you be faithful to the end.
-Eternal life is God's life.
-At the temple:
1. Everything is centered on the Savior.
2. There is Fullness there. D&C 109
3. There is Joy which come from families and being forgiven.
President Ford, Stake President:
-You can't go over or under, but must go through it.
-How you handle your trials will determine eternal outcomes.
-The biggest trial you'll face in your life is to remain faithful to the end.
-Ammon solved a trial by serving the Lord.
-The Savior went through a trial He agreed to in the pre-mortal life.
-"I know He won't give me more than I can handle, but I wish He didn't trust me so much." -Mother Theresa
-"It is imperative to know that someone else has gone through our same trials." -President Monson
-There's always lines in a game. The commandments are the rules/lines of the game. Stay in the middle of the playing field.You cannot cross the line and maintain the Spirit.
-To help someone else you must be on higher ground.
-It's a hike, but it's worth every step to stay on the playing field.
-Go through repentance. ABC's of repentance: Acknowledge/recognize, Be sorry/regret, Confess, Don't do it again.
-Ultimate happiness is achieved through making and maintaining the marriage covenant. -President Hinckley
-Ask questions while dating. Don't assume.
Brother Peter Mourik, Stake Patriarch:
-Isaiah 60:1-2
-Doctrine & Covenants 50:29 "And if ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus and it shall be done."
-We don't need to be perfect to receive blessings. Baby steps of improvement.
-Patriarchal blessings give highlights of your life. You can fill in the details.
-Remind the Lord of the blessings you desire.
-Improve a little every day and the Lord will bless you in His time and according to your faith.
President Fillmore, Stake Presidency Counselor:
-Don't be complacent with your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Don't let misalignments distort your relation.
-Always remember that the Savior is always ready to provide clear direction.
-Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
-D&C 4:7 "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
President Pearson, Stake Presidency Counselor:
-3 Nephi 18:18 "Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for Satan desireth to have you, that he may sift you as wheat."
-Alma 34:39 "Yea, and I also exhort you, my brethren, that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be led away by the temptations of the devil, that he may not overpower you, that ye may not become his subjects at the last day; for behold, he rewardeth you no good thing."
-When you are not being watchful is when Satan attacks.
-D&C 101:53-54 "Ought ye not to have done even as I commanded you, and—after ye had planted the vineyard, and built the hedge round about, and set watchmen upon the walls thereof—built the tower also, and set a watchman upon the tower, and watched for my vineyard, and not have fallen asleep, lest the enemy should come upon you?
And behold, the watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy while he was yet afar off; and then ye could have made ready and kept the enemy from breaking down the hedge thereof, and saved my vineyard from the hands of the destroyer."
-Have you built your watchtower? Is it tall enough to see the enemy far off? Is it strong enough? Are you watching? We are all vulnerable; the most elect and the strongest returned missionary.
-Elder Andersen's talk "Never Leave Him." http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2010/10/never-leave-him
Sister Fillmore, Relief Society President:
-The only way to stay on the straight and narrow is to be lead by the Savior.
Sister Ashton, new Temple Matron:
-"Our covenants become the blood on the doorpost in our latter-day passover." -Elder Bednar
-All families need to start in the temple.
-Seek the guidance of the Spirit on finding your eternal companion.
-Be aware of spiritual deal breakers.
-DTRWG= Determine the relationship with God
President Ashton, new Temple President:
-The temple will help you be faithful to the end.
-Eternal life is God's life.
-At the temple:
1. Everything is centered on the Savior.
2. There is Fullness there. D&C 109
3. There is Joy which come from families and being forgiven.
President Ford, Stake President:
-You can't go over or under, but must go through it.
-How you handle your trials will determine eternal outcomes.
-The biggest trial you'll face in your life is to remain faithful to the end.
-Ammon solved a trial by serving the Lord.
-The Savior went through a trial He agreed to in the pre-mortal life.
-"I know He won't give me more than I can handle, but I wish He didn't trust me so much." -Mother Theresa
-"It is imperative to know that someone else has gone through our same trials." -President Monson
-There's always lines in a game. The commandments are the rules/lines of the game. Stay in the middle of the playing field.You cannot cross the line and maintain the Spirit.
-To help someone else you must be on higher ground.
-It's a hike, but it's worth every step to stay on the playing field.
-Go through repentance. ABC's of repentance: Acknowledge/recognize, Be sorry/regret, Confess, Don't do it again.
-Ultimate happiness is achieved through making and maintaining the marriage covenant. -President Hinckley
-Ask questions while dating. Don't assume.
Stake Conference Saturday Session
Hello Friends! I hope y'all are doing well. I was able to go to the evening session of Stake Conference and take notes, so I'll share them. :) Also, one of my dear friends served his mission with me and spoke. So I had a great time seeing him and learning from him. His name is Kaiser Larsen. So, when you read his comments, you'll know we served our missions together. He's my brother. He's such a great guy.
These notes will be different from my normal style, because I was writing what the Spirit was teaching me and didn't think to post them until later. So, like always, if you were there and would like to post what you learned, please leave a comment. Here we go:
Courtney Moses, a returned missionary:
-Hastening the work is more than a checklist item.
-In Luke 22 the Savior told Peter, "When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
-Help each other continue in your conversion.
-We can choose to be hasteners or just have hastening moments in our lives.
--Which do I want? I want to be a hastener.
Solomon Reynolds, recently called to serve a mission to Singapore:
-The path back to Heavenly Father is narrow, but help is available if we ask.
Kaiser Larsen, recently returned from the California Anaheim Mission:
-*What are my outward manifestations of my desire to hasten the Lord's work?* (Love this question!)
-Hastening implies stepping up your missionary game.
-The Lord wants to hasten His work and know who will follow.
-There are many being prepared right now.
-Am I a true shepherd? Do I search out the sheep and feed them true doctrine?
-Here are all the scriptures he listed (I loved them!):
D&C 110:10-11, D&C 29:7, D&C 33:9, D&C 88:77, 81, Alma 13:24, D&C 123:12, Ezekiel 34:2,7-11, D&C 24:12
Kami Shoell, a returned missionary:
-Importance of talking with people.
-Heavenly Father has placed certain people in your life because you have something they need.
-Who can I open my mouth to?
Sister Pearson, Relief Society Counselor:
-Take the steps to get where you want to go.
-"Raising righteous children requires daily, persistent parenting." -Elder Perry
-"The minute they [children] come into your arms teach them about missionary work." -President Kimball
-*Help your children love their Heavenly Father.*
-Take the steps to be like the mothers of the 2000 stripling warriors.
Sister Ford, Relief Society Counselor:
-How to teach children the scriptures.
-Example is the secret for children believing in the scriptures.
-Talk about scripture characters as friends.
-Have a family scripture/motto.
-Read the scriptures as a family.
-The scriptures are a pattern for our lives today.
President Fillmore, Stake Presidency Counselor
-Why are you here? (Because I don't want to pass up an opportunity to learn from my Heavenly Father.)
-It's not by chance that you're here.
-My time is the due time of the Lord.
-How do we know if our labors are successful? Invitation is the mark of success.
-Invite others into your gospel-centered life:
1. Remember who you are and be good.
2. Become a sincere friend.
3. Watch over and strengthen each other, one by one.
4. Don't judge people, but love them.
-Teach the gospel as a natural part of your life.
President Ford, Stake President
-Start and end your day with prayer.
-Don't be an obnoxious Mormon. Be bold, but not overbearing.
-It will sound familiar to those who are meant to be members.
-*You're not finished with your mission until your mortal life is over. Then you'll be reassigned and really get to teach.*
Here are the videos they showed:
These notes will be different from my normal style, because I was writing what the Spirit was teaching me and didn't think to post them until later. So, like always, if you were there and would like to post what you learned, please leave a comment. Here we go:
Courtney Moses, a returned missionary:
-Hastening the work is more than a checklist item.
-In Luke 22 the Savior told Peter, "When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
-Help each other continue in your conversion.
-We can choose to be hasteners or just have hastening moments in our lives.
--Which do I want? I want to be a hastener.
Solomon Reynolds, recently called to serve a mission to Singapore:
-The path back to Heavenly Father is narrow, but help is available if we ask.
Kaiser Larsen, recently returned from the California Anaheim Mission:
-*What are my outward manifestations of my desire to hasten the Lord's work?* (Love this question!)
-Hastening implies stepping up your missionary game.
-The Lord wants to hasten His work and know who will follow.
-There are many being prepared right now.
-Am I a true shepherd? Do I search out the sheep and feed them true doctrine?
-Here are all the scriptures he listed (I loved them!):
D&C 110:10-11, D&C 29:7, D&C 33:9, D&C 88:77, 81, Alma 13:24, D&C 123:12, Ezekiel 34:2,7-11, D&C 24:12
Kami Shoell, a returned missionary:
-Importance of talking with people.
-Heavenly Father has placed certain people in your life because you have something they need.
-Who can I open my mouth to?
Sister Pearson, Relief Society Counselor:
-Take the steps to get where you want to go.
-"Raising righteous children requires daily, persistent parenting." -Elder Perry
-"The minute they [children] come into your arms teach them about missionary work." -President Kimball
-*Help your children love their Heavenly Father.*
-Take the steps to be like the mothers of the 2000 stripling warriors.
Sister Ford, Relief Society Counselor:
-How to teach children the scriptures.
-Example is the secret for children believing in the scriptures.
-Talk about scripture characters as friends.
-Have a family scripture/motto.
-Read the scriptures as a family.
-The scriptures are a pattern for our lives today.
President Fillmore, Stake Presidency Counselor
-Why are you here? (Because I don't want to pass up an opportunity to learn from my Heavenly Father.)
-It's not by chance that you're here.
-My time is the due time of the Lord.
-How do we know if our labors are successful? Invitation is the mark of success.
-Invite others into your gospel-centered life:
1. Remember who you are and be good.
2. Become a sincere friend.
3. Watch over and strengthen each other, one by one.
4. Don't judge people, but love them.
-Teach the gospel as a natural part of your life.
President Ford, Stake President
-Start and end your day with prayer.
-Don't be an obnoxious Mormon. Be bold, but not overbearing.
-It will sound familiar to those who are meant to be members.
-*You're not finished with your mission until your mortal life is over. Then you'll be reassigned and really get to teach.*
Here are the videos they showed:
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Hi friends!
What did y'all think about the snow today? :)
I had a lot of fun today. I love going to Church. I love feeling the Spirit and being uplifted by everyone's testimonies. It was just simply wonderful.
Okay, here are the announcements for this week:
1. Tuesday, November 5th, @8pm Happiness Project at SW Bottom.
2. Wednesday, November 6th, @7pm Institute in B092 JFSB.
3. Wednesday, November 6th, @7:30pm Prospective Missionary Fireside with Elder Richard G. Hinckley in the Wilk Ballroom.
4. Wednesday, November 6th, @7pm RS Auxiliary Training (Presidency & Secretary) @ Costco West Chapel.
5. Saturday, November 10th, @7pm Stake Conference evening session @ Costco North Building, East Chapel.
6. Sunday, November 10th, @10am Stake Conference morning session @ Wilk Ballroom.
7. Sunday, November 10th, @1230pm Councils meeting
8. Sunday, November 10th, @7pm Ward Musical Fireside @ Wilk Ballroom.
9. Sunday, November 17th, @7pm Engaged Couples Fireside @ Pioneer Building
10. Monday, November 18th, Recently (less than 1 year) Returned Missionary Fireside @ Pioneer Building.
11. Thursday, November 21st, @7pm Quick Connect @ Pioneer Building
12. Sunday, December 8th, @6pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional Broadcast
13. Thursday, December 12th, @ 7pm Quick Connect
So today Ashley and Whitney gave a wonderful, combined lesson.
They started by sharing Moroni 10:32, which states, "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."
Believe in Christ.
Ashley: One of the general authorities shared a story about a litter girl who really wanted a bike. Her dad told her to save up all her money and give it to him, then she could have the bike. She gave him all she had, which was less than a dollar, so her dad told her that if she gave him a hug and a kiss with her money that she could have the bike. Christ is the same way. He just wants our best at the moment.
Whitney: Why does the Atonement matter to you? How do you use it on a daily basis? What does the Atonement enable us to do? What does that mean to you right now?
Carla: How do I use the Atonement?
Ryan: It has to do with your heart. You have to think, what are my desires? The more I turn to Christ the more I feel the Atonement working in my life.
Megan: Once heard/read a statement from Elder Oaks that he doesn't fully understand the Atonement. Sometimes when I'm in pain I also feel peace. Pain from my trials, peace from the Atonement to get through the pain.It's not always a huge thing, but a power/strength that gets us through.
Whitney showed us a cool drawing on the board:
Do the basics. They open the way to the Atonement.
Ginger: Enabling power to me means that I'm going to try to do better today than yesterday. It gives me hope. I believe Christ will save me, that His grace will save me. The Atonement is the center of the Gospel.
Marren: So much goes with the basic principles. When you look back at a bad choice and wonder how you can be forgiven, but recognize that you've had a change of heart and would never do that again, that's how the Atonement is used.
Ashley: Someone might be struggling right now and maybe feels like they're too far gone. I've been there, where I felt like giving up, and that's when God saved me. That's when you realize the Atonement is real. It's a feeling of being saved.
Brittany: I have no idea why or how it happens when I pray for comfort that it's immediately there. It's the same with the Atonement. Someone is doing it with you. He's the Mediator. Follow Christ's example. One of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln is "I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't want to let him down." Christ is that friend.
Evie: Set goals that you can only do with God's help.
Alma 7:11-13
Ryan: vs. 12 Summarizes 2012 for me. It was a really hard year. I struggled with depression. I went to Ukraine for a few months and had time to reflect on my year and was able to change. Christ can take everything negative and turn it into the most beautiful love. I came through it and can help others.
Kiersten: In my New Testament class I learned that Christ could've known what the Atonement would be like, but because of His love He chose to actually experience it.
Ashlyn: Faith is the #1 principle. When you get a blessing, you have to use your faith. Give your trial to Christ and move forward with faith.
Here's a video from Elder Christofferson about change:
Ashley: You'll see miracles if you look for them.
Emily K.: You can find peace through the Atonement. Heavenly Father hears our prayers and will give us strength.
Rachel: I have a testimony of prayer. The Lord does hear and answers prayers through the hands of others. He knows exactly what we're going through.
That was the lesson. It was very powerful. Thank you everyone for your comments and participation. I loved hearing everyone's testimonies. Thanks Carla for the wonderful question! It really helped us all think about how we actually apply the Atonement in our personal lives.
What did y'all think about the snow today? :)
I had a lot of fun today. I love going to Church. I love feeling the Spirit and being uplifted by everyone's testimonies. It was just simply wonderful.
Okay, here are the announcements for this week:
1. Tuesday, November 5th, @8pm Happiness Project at SW Bottom.
2. Wednesday, November 6th, @7pm Institute in B092 JFSB.
3. Wednesday, November 6th, @7:30pm Prospective Missionary Fireside with Elder Richard G. Hinckley in the Wilk Ballroom.
4. Wednesday, November 6th, @7pm RS Auxiliary Training (Presidency & Secretary) @ Costco West Chapel.
5. Saturday, November 10th, @7pm Stake Conference evening session @ Costco North Building, East Chapel.
6. Sunday, November 10th, @10am Stake Conference morning session @ Wilk Ballroom.
7. Sunday, November 10th, @1230pm Councils meeting
8. Sunday, November 10th, @7pm Ward Musical Fireside @ Wilk Ballroom.
9. Sunday, November 17th, @7pm Engaged Couples Fireside @ Pioneer Building
10. Monday, November 18th, Recently (less than 1 year) Returned Missionary Fireside @ Pioneer Building.
11. Thursday, November 21st, @7pm Quick Connect @ Pioneer Building
12. Sunday, December 8th, @6pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional Broadcast
13. Thursday, December 12th, @ 7pm Quick Connect
So today Ashley and Whitney gave a wonderful, combined lesson.
They started by sharing Moroni 10:32, which states, "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."
Believe in Christ.
Ashley: One of the general authorities shared a story about a litter girl who really wanted a bike. Her dad told her to save up all her money and give it to him, then she could have the bike. She gave him all she had, which was less than a dollar, so her dad told her that if she gave him a hug and a kiss with her money that she could have the bike. Christ is the same way. He just wants our best at the moment.
Whitney: Why does the Atonement matter to you? How do you use it on a daily basis? What does the Atonement enable us to do? What does that mean to you right now?
Carla: How do I use the Atonement?
Ryan: It has to do with your heart. You have to think, what are my desires? The more I turn to Christ the more I feel the Atonement working in my life.
Megan: Once heard/read a statement from Elder Oaks that he doesn't fully understand the Atonement. Sometimes when I'm in pain I also feel peace. Pain from my trials, peace from the Atonement to get through the pain.It's not always a huge thing, but a power/strength that gets us through.
Whitney showed us a cool drawing on the board:
Do the basics. They open the way to the Atonement.
Ginger: Enabling power to me means that I'm going to try to do better today than yesterday. It gives me hope. I believe Christ will save me, that His grace will save me. The Atonement is the center of the Gospel.
Marren: So much goes with the basic principles. When you look back at a bad choice and wonder how you can be forgiven, but recognize that you've had a change of heart and would never do that again, that's how the Atonement is used.
Ashley: Someone might be struggling right now and maybe feels like they're too far gone. I've been there, where I felt like giving up, and that's when God saved me. That's when you realize the Atonement is real. It's a feeling of being saved.
Brittany: I have no idea why or how it happens when I pray for comfort that it's immediately there. It's the same with the Atonement. Someone is doing it with you. He's the Mediator. Follow Christ's example. One of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln is "I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't want to let him down." Christ is that friend.
Evie: Set goals that you can only do with God's help.
Alma 7:11-13
11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
13 Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me.
Ryan: vs. 12 Summarizes 2012 for me. It was a really hard year. I struggled with depression. I went to Ukraine for a few months and had time to reflect on my year and was able to change. Christ can take everything negative and turn it into the most beautiful love. I came through it and can help others.
Kiersten: In my New Testament class I learned that Christ could've known what the Atonement would be like, but because of His love He chose to actually experience it.
Ashlyn: Faith is the #1 principle. When you get a blessing, you have to use your faith. Give your trial to Christ and move forward with faith.
Here's a video from Elder Christofferson about change:
Ashley: You'll see miracles if you look for them.
Emily K.: You can find peace through the Atonement. Heavenly Father hears our prayers and will give us strength.
Rachel: I have a testimony of prayer. The Lord does hear and answers prayers through the hands of others. He knows exactly what we're going through.
That was the lesson. It was very powerful. Thank you everyone for your comments and participation. I loved hearing everyone's testimonies. Thanks Carla for the wonderful question! It really helped us all think about how we actually apply the Atonement in our personal lives.
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