Sunday, December 15, 2013

Happy Christmas Break!

We made it! This is the last week of the semester! Good luck to all who have finals this week, and good luck to all who have work projects due before the holiday. Don't forget to do your visiting teaching and alleviate some of the stress that will probably be present this week.

1. Next Sunday and the one after that, the 22nd and 29th, there will be a combined Stake Sacrament meeting @10am @ the Pioneer Building. That is located at 900W 100N here in Provo. There will be a munch and mingle afterwards.
2. If anyone is staying in the area longer than desirable and find themselves spending a few days without family, Bishop has offered to let y'all stop by and spend time with his family.
3. Travel safe! We love you and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!

Here's the lesson recap for today. Brittany Bailey did a wonderful job sharing President Uchtdorf's talk. Here's the link for that:

“I heard the bell’s on Christmas day”
The guy that wrote this hymn had a few really hard years just before. His wife died of really bad burns, then his son was injured in the military. He didn’t think there was peace in the world. verses 4&5 in particular make me think that it’s just powerful that someone could have a hard time and still believe in God.

Nelson Mandela recently passed away. And I just want to point our a few things from his life. He was born in 1918 in South Africa during Apartheid. He was put in jail unjustly for 27 years for his activism. “I was called a terrorist yesterday. But when I came out of jail I was praised and embraced even by my enemies.” He never chose to be bitter. I think that would have been justified. As I walked toward the door I knew that if I didn’t leave behind my bitterness and despair, I would still be in prison. He was free because he chose something else to feel.

We all have challenges in our lives. There are 2 place you can go from here. One is (HOPE). The other is (DESPAIR).
What do you think the difference is? Is the only thing that changes is our attitude, or do other things get affected?

Ashley: It takes faith to have miracles, but we need faith to see miracles. You completely miss those things as miracles if you don’t have hope and faith. It does actually kind of change more than just my attitude. It changes everything I see in my life. I can see “Oh, that’s God’s hand in my life.”

Caitlin: At work we had someone who was teaching us about ghost hunting. He’s on a team with equipment and they get calls all the time. They go to disprove the calls. If I truly believed in this, it made me think that you’ll see what you want to see. If we want to see despair, pain and sadness, we’ll have that. If we choose to have faith and hope in the Savior, we’ll have that because Heavenly Father will help us see the good in the world.

Angela: I just read Elizabeth Smart’s book, but at the end her mom tells her that you can either move on with your life in hope or you can live in despair of what this man did to you. Don’t let him take another moment away from you. She’s so much happier now because she chose to hope. She served a mission and is married now.

Brittany: What are some outcomes of both hope and despair?

Ky: This week, I feel like this whole concept you’ve put on the board, describes the week. We have a friend who just died after his wife gave birth to their first child. Carly has looked at all the good things that have come from this, while I was kind of wallowing in sorrow. I realized it’s easy to keep falling.

Brittany: How often are we in a bad mood and we want to stay in a bad mood? I hope that when you find yourself in that moment, you exert some hope.

Mackenzie: Despair is like feeling stuck.

Ky: After finding out the husband died, Carly immediately jumped into service. I felt sad, but she started to serve the person who was going through the trial. When we become aware of the needs of others, we’re able to bring God’s light to others.

Arianne: Elder Bednar April 2012, kind of talks about this whole idea where when you’re having trials you can either despair or hope and rely on Christ and his atonement. He gave different scriptural stories I hadn’t thought of in this way. When Nephi was tied up by his brothers on their way back with Ishmael’s family Nephi could’ve despaired, or relied on Christ, like he . Everything in this was that Christ’s Atonement does more than just forgive us of our sins. It gives us power to get through our trials. Another example was when the people of Alma the Elder were captured by the Lamanites. They were stuck being treated like slaves. They didn’t ask to be taken out of the situation, but strength to overcome the trial. As soon as they asked, the Lamanites put greater tasks on them, but they were made light unto them. The power of the Atonement gave them power to get through it.

Ginger’s mom: I have a good friend who finds it hard to rejoice in other people’s good things. If she were able to hope more, she could be happier for them and herself. It’s easy to get caught up in not rejoicing for others.

Mackenzie: Logically, no one would choose despair, but it takes less effort. We need to be willing to work for hope and to keep choosing it.

Jackie: Sometimes I don’t realize I’m falling into this trap until I stop and think about why I’m feeling this way. When I’m tired, stressed, anxious, bored or lonely, it’s easier for Satan to step in and cause despair. When I feel like that, that’s when I need to go out and force myself to be happy.

Brittany: Think about something that’s hard right now that you could choose to be more hopeful. Or someone else’s life. Hopefully you’ll be inspired as we go through Pres. Uchtdorf’s talk.

Ashley: I think in general, it’s more natural to despair. Christ is the only thing that can take us out of that. I think Satan pushes us over to despair through perfectionism or doing everything by myself.

Brittany: This is pres. Uchtdorf’s promise: As we seek to increase our love for God and strive to love our neighbor, the light of the gospel will surround and uplift us.
I have a cherished painting in my office that is titled Entrance to Enlightenment. It was created by a friend of mine, the Danish artist Johan Benthin, who was the first stake president in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The painting shows a dark room with an open door from which light is shining. It is interesting to me that the light coming through the door does not illuminate the entire room—only the space immediately in front of the door.
To me, the darkness and light in this painting are a metaphor for life. It is part of our condition as mortal beings to sometimes feel as though we are surrounded by darkness. We might have lost a loved one; a child might have strayed; we might have received a troubling medical diagnosis; we might have employment challenges and be burdened by doubts or fears; or we might feel alone or unloved.
But even though we may feel lost in the midst of our current circumstances, God promises the hope of His light—He promises to illuminate the way before us and show us the way out of darkness.
What do you think God’s light is? How would you explain it to me?

Sis. Dall: It’s love, light, knowledge, inspiration. It’s overwhelming love. Especially during music, like the hymns, it just hits you. It’s that feeling where your intelligence is enlarged in a way.

Brittany: I like that you associate it with intelligence.

Christine: It’s our potential to become like God and be better.

Brittany: When we’re talking about a trial we’re having and maybe have down feelings, is hope only for the future, or can it be applied today?

Christine: I think happiness is something to be achieved right now. I think that’s God’s plan. When we’re going through a trial, it’s the plan to be happy now.

Kiersten: It is a blessing to be single, married, barren, with children. Be happy wherever you are. If you’re not happy with where you are right now, Heavenly Father won’t want to give us more.

Brittany: Happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a state of being. If we just know we’re doing what Heavenly Father wants us to do and tap into his love, we can be happy now as well in the future.

Ginger: Christ can make your trials into blessings. If you look for that you will see it as a blessing. What can I learn from this? How can I use this to help others? Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ really do give you things to learn and be happy.

Ky: My mind kept going to the light of Christ and how we’re all born with it. Sometimes these trials cloak that light within us, so remember that you always have that light. Sometimes it’s dimmed, but you can always uncover it. Elder Bednar’s patterns of light.

Rachel: Talking about the light of christ, I had an experience at school with a girl in my class. This girl found out my brother is in a band. She told me that my brother saved her life. This girl got to meet him after a show. As her brother was talking he asked, “Why are you here? This music isn’t good for you or the place to be. She stopped and thought about her life and decisions she was going to make. Even though my brother has fallen away from the Church, there’s still a light in him. Knowing that that light of Christ is inside of us can help us through whatever we need.

Brittany: President Uchtdorf talks bout how to obtain this light. “There may be some among you who feel darkness encroaching upon you. You may feel burdened by worry, fear, or doubt. To you and to all of us, I repeat a wonderful and certain truth: God’s light is real. It is available to all! It gives life to all things. It has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound. It can be a healing balm for the loneliness and sickness of our souls. In the furrows of despair, it can plant the seeds of a brighter hope. It can enlighten the deepest valleys of sorrow. It can illuminate the path before us and lead us through the darkest night into the promise of a new dawn.” Then he goes on to say how. It’s there, we just need to open our eyes.
First, start where you are. We don’t have to cross the finish line to receive blessings. The second we choose to start following Heavenly Father, the blessings of heaven start pouring out in that second. You don’t have to be perfect to have those blessings. Everything won’t go away at once, but “The perfect place to begin is exactly where you are right now. It doesn’t matter how unqualified you may think you are or how far behind others you may feel. The very moment you begin to seek your Heavenly Father, in that moment, the hope of His light will begin to awaken, enliven, and ennoble your soul. The darkness may not dissipate all at once, but as surely as night always gives way to dawn, the light will come.”
It might sound really idealistic, I could believe that if your’e struggling, but it didn’t sound idealistic to Nelson Mandela. His life was abundantly blessed because of that choice.
You can start wherever you are and immediately receive blessings. Then turn your heart toward the Lord. “Lift up your soul in prayer and explain to your Heavenly Father what you are feeling. Acknowledge your shortcomings. Pour out your heart and express your gratitude. Let Him know of the trials you are facing. Plead with Him in Christ’s name for strength and support. Ask that your ears may be opened, that you may hear His voice. Ask that your eyes may be opened, that you may see His light.”
Please read the rest of this talk. Ask that your eyes and ears be opened. President Eyring also gave a talk about where the Pavilion is. Heavenly Father never moves away. He is here right now waiting for you to ask for help.
Yes, from time to time our lives may seem to be touched by, or even wrapped in, darkness. Sometimes the night that surrounds us will appear oppressive, disheartening, and frightening.
My heart grieves for the many sorrows some of you face, for the painful loneliness and wearisome fears you may be experiencing.
Nevertheless, I bear witness that our living hope is in Christ Jesus! He is the true, pure, and powerful entrance to divine enlightenment.
I testify that with Christ, darkness cannot succeed. Darkness will not gain victory over the light of Christ.
I bear witness that darkness cannot stand before the brilliant light of the Son of the living God!
I invite each of you to open your heart to Him. Seek Him through study and prayer. Come to His Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Learn of Him and of His gospel, participate actively, help each other, and joyfully serve our God.
Brothers and sisters, even after the darkest night, the Savior of the world will lead you to a gradual, sweet, and bright dawn that will assuredly rise within you.
As you walk toward the hope of God’s light, you will discover the compassion, love, and goodness of a loving Heavenly Father, “in [whom there] is no darkness at all.” Of this I testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I know that what Pres. Uchtodorf said is true. His light can help you in any situation you’re in. As you put your trust in Christ and His Atonement, Christ is still big enough and cares to help you with anything you’re going through.

Ky: My heart is so full because of what has been shared. I’m grateful for the comments because they’ve helped me. I'm grateful for you sharing your testimonies.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8th

Hello wonderful Sisters!

Sorry I wasn't here last week to take notes. I was traveling back from my mission and got back way later than anticipated. I hope everyone had a great break and is surviving the workload that comes with the last two weeks of school. Or just work in general. I invite you to not slack in your daily prayer, scripture study, or Church attendance during difficult times. You will receive the revelation you need to overcome your challenges.

Anyhow, I didn't get a program today... So here's what I know is definitely happening this week:
1. Institute will be held on Wednesday @7pm in B092 of the JFSB. I think it's the last one of the semester. So don't miss it!
2. Thursday is our Ward Christmas Party @6:30pm! It will be at the Stake Center our Bishopric goes to when they're not serving us. Directions and more info are on the ward Facebook page. Please RSVP if you haven't already to 509-741-7926.
3. For anyone who might be in town during the Christmas break, the Stake will be holding a combined sacrament meeting for the 22nd and 29th of December @10am at the Pioneer Building. The address is 900E 100N here in Provo. There will be a munch and mingle after each one.

All right, now for the best part, the lesson recap! Rachel McCracken did a wonderful job of sharing President Snow's lesson on missionary work. (P.S. I took some artistic liberty to fill in my shorthand notes. If you don't like it, please let me know so I can fix it.)

First off, Ky shared her testimony with us: "I know Christ is your Savior. He knows what you're going through. If you turn to him, you will find peace and comfort."

Rachel: About a month ago I went to a play called "Deep Love." It's written by some people from BYU-Idaho so I was excited to see it. I was so happy and excited to watch it. What are some things that you have experienced that you just really loved, it made you super happy, and you wanted to share with everyone else?
-Ginger: The Lamb of God
-Mackenzie: Mexican hot chocolate
-Ryan: Frozen
During my internship in Georgia I realized how much the gospel meant to me and I wanted to share it so badly. I wanted to tell everyone I was working with that the Atonement can help. I wanted to reach out to them so badly.
We're going to study this chapter from the life of President Lorenzo Snow "Missionary Work: To reach every human heart."
I just love this story from his life:
He hoped to someday pursue a “classical education” at a college in the eastern United States. But as he worked toward this goal, he began to feel a pull toward another purpose. He later recalled:

“I received [the truths of the gospel] with an open heart, and I was determined not to rest there. … I began to be a little worried in my mind whether, after having received this wonderful knowledge, it was proper for me to remain without testifying in reference to it. Young men who had been sent out upon missions were returning and testifying of the blessings that had attended them … , and I began to think that, instead of preparing myself for an eastern college or university, I ought to start out and bear testimony to what the Lord had so fully given me a knowledge of. At the same time I did not like to give up my prospects of an education, because I had had it in mind for a long time, and I then had the opportunity and the means to accomplish it.”

Struggling with his feelings, he asked a trusted friend for advice: “I told him what I wanted, and he said, ‘Brother Snow, I would not give anyone else such counsel as I feel to give you, under the circumstances. If I were in your place, I would go on with my intentions and get an education.’ That was just the very thing I wanted him to say, and it pleased me. I was contented for a time; but in the winter season, hearing these young Elders testify of their success in preaching the Gospel, I began to think about it still more. The Lord had given me a knowledge that He was coming upon the earth, and that there was a preparation necessary to be made: He had given me all that I had asked for, and more; for the baptism which I received of the Holy Ghost and the perfect knowledge then given to me was more real and convincing than my immersion in the cold water; and I felt that there was a responsibility resting upon me. So I shut up my books [and] laid my Latin and Greek aside.”

It's interesting how he didn't want to serve a mission because he wanted to continue his education, but then he ended up serving 9 missions. When we listen to the Lord we will bless the lives of many people around us.

Amber: I have always wanted to serve a mission, and still do, but when I prayed about it, I felt very strongly that I shouldn't; that I have people I can work with here.
Evie: I really wanted to serve a mission too. I was told 5 times, by three different Bishops, to not serve a mission. That was hard to take. I think God will give you the hardest thing for you. I wanted to travel and learn a language and give people flowers and be a missionary! But that's not what God wanted for me.

Rachel: Sometimes it's trying to figure out the position we're in. I've asked myself a lot, "why am I here? why am I doing this?" When I was in school I had the opportunity to be a coordinator for EFY; which is something I've always wanted to do. Then a little later I was asked to be the area director for New Student Orientation; which I also wanted to do. They were at the same time, but I ended up choosing to be the director for New Student Orientation. While I was working there, I often wondered, "why am I here? I'm not doing much in this position." There was one director that I really struggled with. We just didn't get along. But as I reached out to her and talked with her, we were able to work out our differences. The Lord opened my eyes.
Brittany: A lot of the time, whatever our calling is we think it has to be profound. But that's not it. We can have a purpose everywhere. You have spiritual gifts that you take with you everywhere you go. That can be missionary work or perfecting the saints.
Mackenzie: Make it become a part of you. We're here to influence others. We need to have the kingdom of God on our minds.

Rachel: "For this is my work and my glory; to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). Be there for others. I have a broken foot and it's hard for me to accept help, but the love and service that I've received from the ward has been amazing. Be willing to let others receive blessings by allowing them to help you.
Brittany: Our work isn't what gives us purpose, but what God wants. (Sorry I couldn't hear very well, but I know this was a profound statement.)

Rachel: Put the Kingdom of God first. What are some of the fears that you might have about sharing the gospel or helping someone come closer to Christ?
-Ginger: Perfectionism. Sometimes I think I have to be able to share what I know perfectly before I can share anything and sometimes I feel like I'm just at 50%.
-Marren: In my Book of Mormon class we were talking about this. A lot of people see sharing the Gospel as an item on their to-do list. If people would just be diligent/consistent, it would be so much better. Don't see it as just a checklist item. Just share it.
-Caitlin: Sometimes I'm hesitant, and I was like this on my mission too, or afraid people will mock something that's so important to me. That's selfish. It's not about me and how I feel, they need the blessings.
-Jackie: I'm afraid people might think that I'm only their friend to share the Gospel, that they might not get that I'm sharing with them because their my friend. I don't want to ruin a relationship.
-Brittany: I feel like I have to wait for that perfect moment to share the Gospel.
-Mackenzie: I worry that they might characterize me as Molly Mormon or that they'll think I'm trying to be better than them.
-Megan: Sometimes I've felt the impression to talk to people that I haven't spoken to for years, and didn't get any positive response. That would make me doubt the prompting I had to share with that person. But maybe it's preparing me to follow a prompting later.

Rachel: Okay, now throw all those fears and concerns away. Even though we don't have the missionary tag, we're still ambassadors of the Lord.
Ky: Brooke was a missionary today. She has a friend here at BYU who isn't a member. Most people when they hear you aren't a member immediately say, "So have you heard about the Gospel?" And that can get really annoying. Brooke wanted to invite her to Church to listen to her talk, but was nervous about it. She eventually did and Brooke's friend commented, "wow, Brooke shared some really great things."

Then Rachel did a really cool visual. Ryan read D&C 84:88 while Rachel had some volunteers help her out. First, Brittany was standing by herself with the charge to share the gospel. As Ryan read the scripture, however, Mackenzie stood in front of Brittany, Ashley stood on Brittany's right, Brittany's friend Christine stood on her left, and Jackie stood behind her.
88 And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.

Ryan: When I went to Ukraine, I learned that I was meant to be a missionary to my host family. I could do things with them I couldn't have done as a missionary. I legally couldn't teach them the Gospel with my visa, but I knew they needed it. I had the impression, "Have faith in me. You don't know what's going on behind the scenes." Trust what you know and what you've been told by the Spirit.
Brittany: That was a cool experience for me. I felt alone, but as I was surrounded by four girls I know, I knew I could do it. For all we know there are angels with us right now.

Rachel: We have the Spirit and angels to help us. They are physically around us. Sometimes we can't see them, but sometimes they are the people around us. That's visiting teaching. I hope you realize the importance of missionary work. "Missionaries should never forget that they are ambassadors of heaven, bearers of good and glad tidings." "There is a way to reach every human heart, and it is your business to find the way to the hearts of those to whom you are called." I challenge you to reach out to someone to share the Gospel. This is the happy message that we should all want to share. I want to share it with the world.

I would like to add that something I told my new companions when I trained them, was that they have no need to fear rejection because they aren't serving a mission for themselves. They wear Christ's name and He is the one being rejected. But He wouldn't hold back from sharing the truth. They have no need to fear sharing the Gospel. Neither do we. Like Rachel said, "we might not be wearing the name tag, but we're still ambassadors." Elder Andersen has said several times that even though we don't have the name tag pinned to our shirt, have the name tag painted on your heart. That's enough for me to remember that my missionary service didn't end when I removed my name tag. That's when it really started.

It was a powerful lesson. I definitely felt the Spirit testify of the truth today. God luck this week, everyone!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Quick reminder, if you don't have somewhere to go or someone to hang out with this week, call up any of the Bishopric or Ashley Gengler. You're more than welcome to spend some time with them. They love you and want you to be part of their families for the break. I would totally take them up on that offer.

Okay, here are the important announcements for this week:
1. Well, tithing settlements are going on all day today, but if you still haven't met with Bishop, call Austin 512-818-9695, Grant 817-707-1794, or Travis 603-729-6402 to set up an appointment. It literally only takes 5 minutes. And Bishop is awesome, so it's even better.
2. Tomorrow night @7pm is FHE. Groups might be small, so be excited to possibly combine groups.
3. Also tomorrow, @9:15pm is the run/walk/basketball activity at the Smith Fieldhouse.
4. Thursday is Thanksgiving, so refer to the top of this post if you don't have somewhere to be. Please drive safe and enjoy your break!
5. Sunday, December 1st is Fast Sunday.
6. No institute this week, but next Wednesday, December 4th @7pm in the JFSB.
7. Sunday, December 8th @6pm is the First Presidency Christmas Devotional!

Here's our lesson recap:
Jaden Harvier: Elder Holland April 2013 “Lord, I Believe”

Basically on part of the scriptures: On one occasion Jesus came upon a group arguing vehemently with His disciples. When the Savior inquired as to the cause of this contention, the father of an afflicted child stepped forward, saying he had approached Jesus’s disciples for a blessing for his son, but they were not able to provide it. With the boy still gnashing his teeth, foaming from the mouth, and thrashing on the ground in front of them, the father appealed to Jesus with what must have been last-resort desperation in his voice:
“If thou canst do any thing,” he said, “have compassion on us, and help us. “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. “And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” “Straightway,” the scripture says—not slowly nor skeptically nor cynically but “straightway”—the father cries out in his unvarnished parental pain, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”

Gives 3 observations:
1. In moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited.

Jaden’s dad was called to be Bishop recently after his conversion. Felt his faith wasn’t as strong as others’.
Examples of those who didn’t think they had enough faith?
Ginger: My mom converted when she was 19. When she got baptized her family kind of pulled away, then when she was sealed in the temple, her family completely disowned her. She is on fire and I know Heavenly Father can help us through our greatest trials.
Jackie: You learn about faith for yourself. I feel like I’m learning something about it every day. As I listen to promptings I know, okay I’m going in the right direction.
Brittany: I know I’m like that where I say , Lord, I believe, then I’m stuck figuring out where I am . I didn’t have a strong testimony of tithing. I was doing it because I had a testimony of other things that were true. When you have a testimony of the gospel, you at least know what direction you should be working in. When the prophet says one thing and I don’t have a testimony of it yet, I know he’s right and I can follow that direction and gain a testimony of it later.

You have faith in the truth you already know. I was reading a blog and this lady heard others say, “I know this” but she didn’t really know herself. I’m kind of the same way. I just kind of have faith but don’t always know. Last year I was having a hard time understanding some things. I’m the youngest of 5. Last year my oldest sister was having really hard problems. I didn’t really know her growing up because she was always in drugs and stuff. She got to the point where she would just leave her sons with her parents and take off. I remember praying to the Lord that he would help her. I remember a seminary lesson, “don’t question the Lord’s timing.” After that she started to change and now she’s home and sober. I had a hard time, but I always hoped she would come back and she did.

2nd observation: Be true to the faith you do have. In this Church, what we know will always trump what we do not know. And remember, in this world, everyone is to walk by faith.

Talk by Uchtdorf: what about my doubts?
I’ve always believed in the church but of course I’ve also had doubts. One of my biggest doubts, I asked my mom, even though I know families can be together forever, I don’t know how we’re going to be together one day. If God loves us how can he separate us because someone isn’t doing everything right? She said, it doesn’t make sense right now, but it will work out the way it needs to.

Ashley: The first time I heard this talk I thought about gospel principles. There are some controversial issues being addressed right now. The hardest times where I’ve doubted have been when I ask Lord, help my unbelief. I pray for help to get through it, and he always does. I know that these principles apply to both times. Whether you’re doubting a principle, or that things will work out, he really will help your unbelief in those areas.

Marren: I think something that’s useful, is there are people I trust in their gospel knowledge, and I go and ask them. It’s okay to doubt, and it’s okay to go ask about them. I know people who have left the church because they didn’t talk about it. Share your doubts.

Brittany: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with someone who has questions still. Alma 32 talks about how there are some that just have cause to believe. I haven’t physically seen the savior, but I believe in him. Faith begins where your comfort zone of knowledge ends. That’s how you plant the seed of faith and try something out. Heavenly Father has a really good batting average. Every time I step out of the circle and try something he says, it works out. It’s having trust in Heavenly Father that it will work out.

Evie: In August I feel like I was one one of the strongest spiritual highs of my life. Then September came, and I felt swallowed in darkness. Then all of a sudden I couldn’t remember what the peace and beauty of the temple felt like. When we exercise our faith, Satan also knows we’re exercising our faith. When those who saw the plates, 2 of them said I don’t have the courage to do this. It takes courage to continue when things don’t go the way we pictured. It takes courage to be here. It takes courage to be childlike and submissive. It’s hard to work through these things sometimes, but I have a deep testimony of this church. It takes courage to hold to this rod.

Amber: I’ve had times where I felt lie Peter, that I could step out of the boat, then I start sinking and the Savior helps me back to the boat saying good try. Next time I’ll help you get farther. He’s teaching us to not sink.

3. When doubt or difficulty come, do not be afraid to ask for help.
The only perfect person was Christ. You can always ask for help. You can ask other members of the Church or go straight to Heavenly Father.

Bro. Porter: I find it interesting that we’re talking about doubts, but I feel the Spirit. Isn’t it interesting how we can talk about doubts and the Spirit can be here testifying that it’s okay. We’re going to learn line upon line, precept upon precept. You don’t learn everything the first time you go to the temple. That’s the way heavenly father designed it. It’s all part of the plan. It’s how he teaches us.

Evie: In my work, I work in an office where we help people achieve their financial goals. We ask them to do hard things. Sometimes this is an intangible thing, these goals, but how we help these people stay committed to their goals is help them realize what their real goal is. Why are we here? What do we want to learn today? We can reach our eternal goals, but we have to know what it is and work for it.

How can we keep our testimony alive?
Ginger: I definitely see a correlation with how easy life is. I can wait tomorrow to read my scriptures. I can see the spiritual protection of scripture study. When I don’t maintain my study that’s when I have a hard time. I’m not saying that scripture study will force you to have a testimony, but it will protect you.

Brittany: Prayer. I feel like my testimony is strongest when I really on Heavenly Father. Any time we’re stepping outside our comfort zone, that’s when our testimonies are growing.

Ashley: I know the times when I’ve had doubts, I can look back. L like journal writing to look back and see the Lord’s hand in my life. Just trying to see where the Lord’s hand was in my life that day puts things back into perspective for me.

It’s okay to have questions and doubts, so how does that make you feel about your testimony?
Caitlin: Knowing that others have questions and doubts, it helps me know that there’s room to grow. Every year is one more year to be who Heavenly Father wants me to be.

Sarah: It’s natural because that helps us search the scriptures and conference talks. We can search things out by ourselves instead of having everything handed to us. We get blessing just from reading the scriptures every day. We’ll get blessings in our every day lives that we might not have seen.

Bro. Porter: Each day I get the chance to read from the BOM with my daughter before she goes to school. It strikes me that every time I open the BOM, the spirit always testifies to me that it is a true book of God. The spirit testifies to me every day. I think that’s critical! Our testimonies have to be based on the foundations of the gospel. It’s only through reading, studying, pondering, and praying. Everything else will come, but you should always have that foundation to fall back on. That is a great blessing to me in my life. I’ve seen others fall away because of their doubts, even when those things turned out to be false.

Marren: approaching mormon doctrine. Approach doctrine with our intellect and the spirit. So many things pop up on social media where we don’t know if it’s true or not, but we can find out for ourselves.

Jaden: we can always have doubts, but be strong enough to rely on the faith we do have. Heavenly Father will always answer our doubts. Don’t falter away because of a little doubt that you have.

Ashley: one thing that’s been on my mind lately is how aware of me and you god is. He loves you and is there for you. It doesn’t mean he won’t let you struggle a bit, because that’s where the growth comes from. You will make it. I have a really strong testimony of that principle that god is there.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Halfway through November

Hello lovely ladies!

You are all amazing and beautiful. Just throwing that out there. Here are this week's announcements and the lesson recap.

1. Tomorrow night at 7pm we are going to the Bishopric members' homes.
2. Wednesday @7pm is Institute @B092 JFSB
3. Thursday @7pm is the Stake Quick Connect @ the Pioneer building.
4. Friday from 6-8pm at Kellie's house, we'll be having a combined Relief Society activity. More details will be posted on the ward Facebook page. If you haven't joined that page, please do so!
5. Sunday, December 8th @6pm is the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.

Our lesson today was taught by none other than the lovely Brittany Bailey.

Brittany Bailey Chapter 17 Lorenzo Snow “Priesthood for the salvation of the human family”

The priesthood we hold has been revealed for the salvation of the human family. We must be lively in our minds in reference to it.

Have you had questions from your nonmember friends about the priesthood?
Ashley: It’s a sign of old fashions traditions and authority.
Emilie: Can women hold it too? Do only men get to have the priesthood?
Brittany: Power in the kingdom of God is something completely different.

D&C 121:34-37
What is power and authority in the world?
Kiersten: putting people down, but priesthood is opposite by serving them
Brittany: compulsion and forcing people to do something they don’t want to do. We think something different in the Church.
In verse 37 it basically says, if you exercise power in the way the world does, amen to your authority in heaven.
41-45. People will want to follow our examples and emulate the Savior.

This is my work and my glory: Elder Ballard
Just as a woman cannot conceive a child without a man, a man cannot fully exercise the power of the priesthood without the woman.

The life of President Snow has great examples of how men can get access to the priesthood and how we can receive those blessings.

Elder Snow said that when he considered preaching the gospel among the Waldenses, “a flood of light seemed to burst upon my mind.”1 But despite these assurances, he felt that it was unwise to begin active missionary work immediately because enemies of the Church had distributed publications among the people, spreading lies about the Church.2 Elder Snow reported, “As I felt it was the mind of the Spirit that we should proceed at first, by slow and cautious steps, I submitted to the will of heaven.”
Although the missionaries did not begin preaching right away, Elder Snow oversaw the publication of pamphlets in Italian and French. In addition, he and his companions befriended the people around them. “We endeavoured to lay a foundation for future usefulness,” he said, “in silently preparing the minds of the people for the reception of the Gospel, by cultivating friendly feelings in the bosoms of those by whom we were surrounded. Yet I felt it rather singular, and no small tax upon patience, to be weeks, and months, in the midst of an interesting people, without being actively and publicly engaged in communicating the great principles which I had come to promulgate.”

He’s with these people and he feels like they’re still not very receptive to the gospel so he’s being their friend and getting to know them.
Then he had the opportunity to give a blessing that wouldn’t only benefit the boy, but also his family and community.

Troubled by the opposition to the preaching of the gospel and concerned about little Joseph Guy, Elder Snow turned to the Lord for help that evening. He later recalled: “For some hours before I retired to rest, I called upon the Lord to assist us at this time. My feelings on this occasion will not be easily erased from memory.

It’s really cool how he was so concerned by what he should say that he spent hours in prayer.

Elder Snow continued: “After a little rest upon the mountains, aside from any likelihood of interruption, we there called upon the Lord in solemn prayer, to spare the life of the child. As I contemplated the course we wished to pursue and the claims we should soon advance to the world, I regarded this circumstance as one of vast importance. I know not any sacrifice which I could possibly make, that I was not willing to offer that the Lord might grant our requests.”

How did he prepare himself to administer the priesthood? There wasn’t anything he was going to with hold from the Lord.

Priesthood bearers are messengers of theAlmighty, with authority delegated from heaven to administer holy ordinances.

We, the Latter-day Saints, profess to have received from God the fulness of the everlasting gospel; we profess to be in possession of the holy Priesthood—the delegated authority of God to man, by virtue of which we administer in its ordinances acceptably to him.8
Any man who will humble himself before God and will be immersed in water, after repentance, for the remission of his sins, shall receive, through the laying on of hands, the gift of the Holy Ghost. Can I give this to him? No, I, simply as a messenger of the Almighty to whom has been delegated authority, administer immersion for the remission of sins; I simply immerse him in water, having authority so to do. I simply lay my hands upon him for the reception of the Holy Ghost, then God, from his presence, acknowledges my authority, acknowledges that I am his messenger, and confers the Holy Ghost upon the individual.9
When [I have] baptiz[ed] people and administer[ed] the ordinances of this holy priesthood, God has confirmed those administrations by imparting the Holy Ghost, giving a knowledge to the individuals to whom I administered, convincing them that the authority was delegated from heaven.
Delegation is to send someone as a representative.
D&C 84:34-38

Why do you think it’s important to prepare ourselves to receive the blessings of the priesthood?
Ginger: if we receive the blessings of the priesthood now that will lead us to receive the blessings of eternal life.
Brittany: vs. 38 being able to receive the blessings of the priesthood is necessary to receiving everything the father has.

Have you ever had the experience where someone had the knowledge that someone was literally administering for Heavenly Father?
Jackie: family promised that they would be sealed in the temple, son would serve mission, daughter would be sealed in the temple. At the time it wasn’t possible at all. But it did happen.
Evie: there was a guy from Sengal who was called to the Bishopric, he set her apart as a Sunday school teacher. He said he couldn’t and didn’t want to because he didn’t know how. He said lines verbatum, lines from my patriarchal blessing. There were lines I didn’t understand and he expanded what she needed to learn. He had no idea. How beautiful blessings can be reiterated at different time of our lives across the country.

Elder Snow talks about how priesthood holders need to serve others.

There are men in this Church who are as good in their hearts and feelings as men ever were, but lack faith and energy, and do not obtain really what is their privilege to receive. If their faith, their energy and determination were equal to their good feelings and desires, their honesty and goodness, they would indeed be mighty men in Israel; and sickness and disease and the power of the evil one would flee before them as chaff before the wind.

Try and bolster our friends in their abilities to administer the priesthood. It’s about them being humble and worthy.

Godliness cannot be conferred but must be acquired, a fact of which the religious world seem[s] strangely and lamentably unconscious. Seek to benefit others, and others will seek to benefit you; and he that would be great, let him be good, studying the interests of the whole, becoming the servant of all.

Brittany: I have a testimony that that is what the Priesthood is about. I’m so grateful for it and that HF has provided a way for us to receive those blessings. I pray we can work on being worthy to receive those blessings.

Ashley: I also know the priesthood is real. Last year I was struggling with some things and the priesthood holder I asked mentioned something at the end that had nothing to do with what I told him was going on, but what was really stressing me out.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stake Conference Sunday Session

Here's a continuation of the wonderfulness of Stake Conference. This is today's notes, again, what the Spirit was teaching me and what stood out to me.

Brother Peter Mourik, Stake Patriarch:
-Isaiah 60:1-2
-Doctrine & Covenants 50:29 "And if ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus and it shall be done."
-We don't need to be perfect to receive blessings. Baby steps of improvement.
-Patriarchal blessings give highlights of your life. You can fill in the details.
-Remind the Lord of the blessings you desire.
-Improve a little every day and the Lord will bless you in His time and according to your faith.

President Fillmore, Stake Presidency Counselor:
-Don't be complacent with your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Don't let misalignments distort your relation.
-Always remember that the Savior is always ready to provide clear direction.
-Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
-D&C 4:7 "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you."

President Pearson, Stake Presidency Counselor:
-3 Nephi 18:18 "Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for Satan desireth to have you, that he may sift you as wheat."
-Alma 34:39 "Yea, and I also exhort you, my brethren, that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be led away by the temptations of the devil, that he may not overpower you, that ye may not become his subjects at the last day; for behold, he rewardeth you no good thing."
-When you are not being watchful is when Satan attacks.
-D&C 101:53-54 "Ought ye not to have done even as I commanded you, and—after ye had planted the vineyard, and built the hedge round about, and set watchmen upon the walls thereof—built the tower also, and set a watchman upon the tower, and watched for my vineyard, and not have fallen asleep, lest the enemy should come upon you?
And behold, the watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy while he was yet afar off; and then ye could have made ready and kept the enemy from breaking down the hedge thereof, and saved my vineyard from the hands of the destroyer."
-Have you built your watchtower? Is it tall enough to see the enemy far off? Is it strong enough? Are you watching? We are all vulnerable; the most elect and the strongest returned missionary.
-Elder Andersen's talk "Never Leave Him."

Sister Fillmore, Relief Society President:
-The only way to stay on the straight and narrow is to be lead by the Savior.

Sister Ashton, new Temple Matron:
-"Our covenants become the blood on the doorpost in our latter-day passover." -Elder Bednar
-All families need to start in the temple.
-Seek the guidance of the Spirit on finding your eternal companion.
-Be aware of spiritual deal breakers.
-DTRWG= Determine the relationship with God

President Ashton, new Temple President:
-The temple will help you be faithful to the end.
-Eternal life is God's life.
-At the temple:
1. Everything is centered on the Savior.
2. There is Fullness there. D&C 109
3. There is Joy which come from families and being forgiven.

President Ford, Stake President:
-You can't go over or under, but must go through it.
-How you handle your trials will determine eternal outcomes.
-The biggest trial you'll face in your life is to remain faithful to the end.
-Ammon solved a trial by serving the Lord.
-The Savior went through a trial He agreed to in the pre-mortal life.
-"I know He won't give me more than I can handle, but I wish He didn't trust me so much." -Mother Theresa
-"It is imperative to know that someone else has gone through our same trials." -President Monson
-There's always lines in a game. The commandments are the rules/lines of the game. Stay in the middle of the playing field.You cannot cross the line and maintain the Spirit.
-To help someone else you must be on higher ground.
-It's a hike, but it's worth every step to stay on the playing field.
-Go through repentance. ABC's of repentance: Acknowledge/recognize, Be sorry/regret, Confess, Don't do it again.
-Ultimate happiness is achieved through making and maintaining the marriage covenant. -President Hinckley
-Ask questions while dating. Don't assume.

Stake Conference Saturday Session

Hello Friends! I hope y'all are doing well. I was able to go to the evening session of Stake Conference and take notes, so I'll share them. :) Also, one of my dear friends served his mission with me and spoke. So I had a great time seeing him and learning from him. His name is Kaiser Larsen. So, when you read his comments, you'll know we served our missions together. He's my brother. He's such a great guy.

These notes will be different from my normal style, because I was writing what the Spirit was teaching me and didn't think to post them until later. So, like always, if you were there and would like to post what you learned, please leave a comment. Here we go:

Courtney Moses, a returned missionary:
-Hastening the work is more than a checklist item.
-In Luke 22 the Savior told Peter, "When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
-Help each other continue in your conversion.
-We can choose to be hasteners or just have hastening moments in our lives.
--Which do I want? I want to be a hastener.

Solomon Reynolds, recently called to serve a mission to Singapore:
-The path back to Heavenly Father is narrow, but help is available if we ask.

Kaiser Larsen, recently returned from the California Anaheim Mission:
-*What are my outward manifestations of my desire to hasten the Lord's work?* (Love this question!)
-Hastening implies stepping up your missionary game.
-The Lord wants to hasten His work and know who will follow.
-There are many being prepared right now.
-Am I a true shepherd? Do I search out the sheep and feed them true doctrine?
-Here are all the scriptures he listed (I loved them!):
D&C 110:10-11, D&C 29:7, D&C 33:9, D&C 88:77, 81, Alma 13:24, D&C 123:12, Ezekiel 34:2,7-11, D&C 24:12

Kami Shoell, a returned missionary:
-Importance of talking with people.
-Heavenly Father has placed certain people in your life because you have something they need.
-Who can I open my mouth to?

Sister Pearson, Relief Society Counselor:
-Take the steps to get where you want to go.
-"Raising righteous children requires daily, persistent parenting." -Elder Perry
-"The minute they [children] come into your arms teach them about missionary work." -President Kimball
-*Help your children love their Heavenly Father.*
-Take the steps to be like the mothers of the 2000 stripling warriors.

Sister Ford, Relief Society Counselor:
-How to teach children the scriptures.
-Example is the secret for children believing in the scriptures.
-Talk about scripture characters as friends.
-Have a family scripture/motto.
-Read the scriptures as a family.
-The scriptures are a pattern for our lives today.

President Fillmore, Stake Presidency Counselor
-Why are you here? (Because I don't want to pass up an opportunity to learn from my Heavenly Father.)
-It's not by chance that you're here.
-My time is the due time of the Lord.
-How do we know if our labors are successful? Invitation is the mark of success.
-Invite others into your gospel-centered life:
1. Remember who you are and be good.
2. Become a sincere friend.
3. Watch over and strengthen each other, one by one.
4. Don't judge people, but love them.
-Teach the gospel as a natural part of your life.

President Ford, Stake President
-Start and end your day with prayer.
-Don't be an obnoxious Mormon. Be bold, but not overbearing.
-It will sound familiar to those who are meant to be members.
-*You're not finished with your mission until your mortal life is over. Then you'll be reassigned and really get to teach.*

Here are the videos they showed:

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Hi friends!

What did y'all think about the snow today? :)

I had a lot of fun today. I love going to Church. I love feeling the Spirit and being uplifted by everyone's testimonies. It was just simply wonderful.

Okay, here are the announcements for this week:

1. Tuesday, November 5th, @8pm Happiness Project at SW Bottom.
2. Wednesday, November 6th, @7pm Institute in B092 JFSB.
3. Wednesday, November 6th, @7:30pm Prospective Missionary Fireside with Elder Richard G. Hinckley in the Wilk Ballroom.
4. Wednesday, November 6th, @7pm RS Auxiliary Training (Presidency & Secretary) @ Costco West Chapel.
5. Saturday, November 10th, @7pm Stake Conference evening session @ Costco North Building, East Chapel.
6. Sunday, November 10th, @10am Stake Conference morning session @ Wilk Ballroom.
7. Sunday, November 10th, @1230pm Councils meeting
8. Sunday, November 10th, @7pm Ward Musical Fireside @ Wilk Ballroom.
9. Sunday, November 17th, @7pm Engaged Couples Fireside @ Pioneer Building
10. Monday, November 18th, Recently (less than 1 year) Returned Missionary Fireside @ Pioneer Building.
11. Thursday, November 21st, @7pm Quick Connect @ Pioneer Building
12. Sunday, December 8th, @6pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional Broadcast
13. Thursday, December 12th, @ 7pm Quick Connect

So today Ashley and Whitney gave a wonderful, combined lesson.

They started by sharing Moroni 10:32, which states, "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."
Believe in Christ.

Ashley: One of the general authorities shared a story about a litter girl who really wanted a bike. Her dad told her to save up all her money and give it to him, then she could have the bike. She gave him all she had, which was less than a dollar, so her dad told her that if she gave him a hug and a kiss with her money that she could have the bike. Christ is the same way. He just wants our best at the moment.

Whitney: Why does the Atonement matter to you? How do you use it on a daily basis? What does the Atonement enable us to do? What does that mean to you right now?

Carla: How do I use the Atonement?

Ryan: It has to do with your heart. You have to think, what are my desires? The more I turn to Christ the more I feel the Atonement working in my life.

Megan: Once heard/read a statement from Elder Oaks that he doesn't fully understand the Atonement. Sometimes when I'm in pain I also feel peace. Pain from my trials, peace from the Atonement to get through the pain.It's not always a huge thing, but a power/strength that gets us through.

Whitney showed us a cool drawing on the board:
Do the basics. They open the way to the Atonement.

Ginger: Enabling power to me means that I'm going to try to do better today than yesterday. It gives me hope. I believe Christ will save me, that His grace will save me. The Atonement is the center of the Gospel.

Marren: So much goes with the basic principles. When you look back at a bad choice and wonder how you can be forgiven, but recognize that you've had a change of heart and would never do that again, that's how the Atonement is used.

Ashley: Someone might be struggling right now and maybe feels like they're too far gone. I've been there, where I felt like giving up, and that's when God saved me. That's when you realize the Atonement is real. It's a feeling of being saved.

Brittany: I have no idea why or how it happens when I pray for comfort that it's immediately there. It's the same with the Atonement. Someone is doing it with you. He's the Mediator. Follow Christ's example. One of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln is "I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't want to let him down." Christ is that friend.

Evie: Set goals that you can only do with God's help.

Alma 7:11-13
11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

13 Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me.

Ryan: vs. 12 Summarizes 2012 for me. It was a really hard year. I struggled with depression. I went to Ukraine for a few months and had time to reflect on my year and was able to change. Christ can take everything negative and turn it into the most beautiful love. I came through it and can help others.

Kiersten: In my New Testament class I learned that Christ could've known what the Atonement would be like, but because of His love He chose to actually experience it.

Ashlyn: Faith is the #1 principle. When you get a blessing, you have to use your faith. Give your trial to Christ and move forward with faith.

Here's a video from Elder Christofferson about change:

Ashley: You'll see miracles if you look for them.

Emily K.: You can find peace through the Atonement. Heavenly Father hears our prayers and will give us strength.

Rachel: I have a testimony of prayer. The Lord does hear and answers prayers through the hands of others. He knows exactly what we're going through.

That was the lesson. It was very powerful. Thank you everyone for your comments and participation. I loved hearing everyone's testimonies. Thanks Carla for the wonderful question! It really helped us all think about how we actually apply the Atonement in our personal lives.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ward Conference

Hey everyone! I hope you had a great time at Church today. Right now I can only get the announcements up. I'll try to post my notes from sacrament and Relief Society later this week. I'm just a little busy. So here's the announcements to keep you up to speed with this week:

1. FHE tomorrow night @7pm
2. Institute @7pm on Wednesday in B092 JFSB
3. Thursday, ward Halloween party out front of FDL @6:30pm. Wear your costumes!
4. Sunday, Nov 3, CES Fireside @6pm in the Marriott Center
5. Wednesday, Nov 6, RS Auxiliary Training @7pm, at the Costco West Chapel (RS Presidency & secretary)
6. Also Wed, Nov 6, Prospective Missionary Fireside @7:30pm - Elder Richard G. Hinckley in the Wilk Ballroom.
7. Thursday, Nov 7, Sunday School Auxiliary Training @7pm @ 945 E 700 N Chapel
8. Stake Conference Saturday, Nov 9, @7pm at the Costco North Bldg, East Chapel, then Sunday @10am in the Wilk Ballroom
9. Also, Sunday, Nov 10, @7pm is our ward musical fireside. Get in touch with Cassandra if you want to participate.

I think that's enough for this week. There's a few more announcements in the bulletin, but those are the soonest, which I think you should be aware of now. Thanks for your support, I hope y'all have a wonderful week. I promise I'll get my notes typed up later this week.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What a wonderful Sabbath!

Hello my dear friends!

I have had a really great weekend. I hope you all have too. :)

Announcements for this week:
1. FHE tomorrow @7pm for everyone! We will be going to our Bishopric members' homes. Get in touch with your group leaders for details.
2. Institute on Wednesday @7pm in B092 JFSB. Good times await!
3. This Saturday, the 26th we will have a ward temple trip @11am. Details are to be announced on the ward Facebook page. Please join that page so you can be up-to-date on need-to-know stuff.
4. Next Sunday, the 27th is Ward Conference. We will have an hour and a half sacrament meeting, then a combined hour and a half of Relief Society while the brethren have Priesthood. Please study Moroni 10:32 in preparation for what we will be taught.
5. Also next Sunday, but in the evening, is the Stake Musical Fireside at the Costco North Chapel. Presumably at 7pm, further details are coming.
6. If you need to renew your temple recommend, please contact the Ward Executive Secretary a.k.a. Austin Huntsman (512) 818-9685. Everyone should have a current temple recommend. Even if you can't attend the temple often, I promise there are many blessings that come from being worthy of and maintaining a current recommend.

Now here's the lesson recap: (Don't forget that all my "quotes" are paraphrases for those who spoke up in our RS. I try to put the exact quotes the teacher used, but don't count on it for general comments.)

The fabulous Rachel McCracken was our teacher today. It was a riveting lesson where we were all touched by the Spirit and edified together. It was truly wonderful. She based her lesson off Elder Neil L. Andersen's General Conference talk from April.

Rachel started the lesson by asking what miracles we see everyday because our God is a God of miracles, and we're members of His Church. Well, Mackenzie hit the nail on the head and stated how amazing it is that the gospel is being preached throughout the world and being widely accepted. The Church was restored only 183 years ago. Another 17 and we'll reach the 200th anniversary of the Church. In those 183 years the Church has grown from 6 members to 15 million as was announced just this last General Conference. Out of the 6.7 billion people on earth, 15 million are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In addition, just last October there were 58,500 missionaries serving worldwide (I was one of them :D). As of three weeks ago, it was announced that there are currently 80,333 missionaries serving around the world! Isn't that amazing? Kiersten pointed out that that number is increasing despite the number of missionaries that have finished their missions and returned home. (I think that's truly miraculous. I love it so much.)

It really is a miracle to know the gospel is going to all the world. Pray for all people to open their hearts.

Ryan then referred to Doctrine & Covenants 45:15-16 and commented: we're endowed with power to share. Go out and teach!
Mackenzie said: Doctrine & Covenants 138 is about missionary work in the Spirit world. Christ didn't go preach to the unrighteous but rather gathers the righteous to preach to them. If we don't get the missionary bug now, we'll get it later. We might as well get it now.

Rachel then shared a personal experience of when she received an internship in Georgia. She was living with four other interns: two Baptists, a Lutheran, and a Catholic. She was scared to go and be by herself, so she contacted the ward she would be attending before she arrived and was taken care of the members in that area. Her roommates teased her a bit, but eventually came to respect that she was taken care of so well by the members of her ward. She was able to be a light to them and the kids she worked with. It was difficult to see their trials and not be able to share the gospel with them, but she knows she was a light to them.

Ryan shared an experience too. She said she was praying last year to know if she should serve a mission and the answer she received was "no." As hard as that was, she felt that she had missionary opportunities where she was, and that was why she needed to stay home. So she created a blog and would share her testimony on that blog with her family and friends. "Missionaries are just as important as the missionaries. Members are the ones who need to go out and find people, and the missionaries are a great resource for the members."

From that example, how good/great is technology? Yeah it can be used for a lot of bad things, but it really is a powerful and wonderful tool for spreading the gospel too!

Mackenzie shared an experience that happened before her mission: A friend from high school that she lost contact with called her one day with religious questions. She called Mackenzie because even though she didn't know Mackenzie's religion, she knew Mackenzie was devout and would be able to help. They talked about simple things like the fact that God is our Heavenly Father and why Jesus is the Savior. At first Mackenzie was scared that she wouldn't say the right thing, but it was really quite simple for her. "It's so easy. You are a great missionary if you're an active member of the Church and love God. You don't have to quote apostles and scripture. Just share what you know."

We might have doubts, but have the faith to overcome those doubts. "The desire to share the gospel takes us to our knees."

Evie shared an experience too: She did a study abroad in Spain around Easter and really wanted to experience as many religions as she could. She had a friend who is a refugee from Nigeria that invited her to attend Easter services with him. The congregation was excited because they invited a pastor from Florida to preach to them. That pastor bore testimony that there was more truth out there that they couldn't receive yet because they weren't ready for it. They had to give up their addictions and bad habits. She found herself bearing testimony afterwards to those who were prepared by their pastor.

There are people all around us and their hearts are being prepared.
Kiersten commented: we can look out to members also and help them. Taking care of those who are struggling or less-active is also missionary work.

How can we be a member missionary in Provo?
Marren said: She went to a different ward one Sunday for a baby blessing, and the night before she felt like she needed to bear her testimony in Church. She did and afterwards a member of the ward approached her to thank her for sharing because they have a family member that heard her testimony and was touched by it. "Go with the Spirit. Don't think about it too much."
Evie then stated: there's a deeper level of conversion. We all need the testimonies of others.
Mackenzie said, it's good to be in a place where there are so many members because we become so comfortable talking about the gospel that when we graduate and leave we can have that habit and share the gospel with everyone else more easily.
Kelsey commented that the friends she visited last week are very open about their Church activities with their neighbors in the Bible Belt and always invite others to come along. They're not ashamed of what they're doing and their friends are more receptive to them.
Ky said, it's as easy as praying for missionary experiences. She then invited us all to pray for (and act on) a missionary experience this week and report back on it next week.
Megan shared that her mom always tells her to pay attention when she flies. One time in particular Megan was sitting on a plane with two Baptists. One of them made it really easy because she started talking about religion and asked Megan questions. "Opportunities will pop up. Just share your basic beliefs."

Rachel shared another beautiful experience: Everyone is born with the light of Christ. When she was in high school she was a bagger at the grocery store. One time her seminary teacher came through her line and bought some cigarettes for the man he was with. She walked them out to the car. The next time she saw her seminary teacher, he thanked her for her light. The man he was with was his brother, and his brother could see the light of her testimony in her eyes and was touched by that. He wanted that. Hope to always have that light throughout your life.

Reach out to others. Are all our roommates and neighbors here (meaning attending all Church meetings)?
It's a miracle that the gospel can be taught to the whole world through us.

Wasn't that an amazing lesson? I felt the Spirit so strongly! Just like Evie had commented, I love to see and hear everyone's testimonies. It strengthens me. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know we are so blessed to be members of the Church. One thing that I gained a deeper testimony of on my mission is the power of the priesthood. I know it is a real power. I know it's for our benefit and a precious gift from our loving Heavenly Father. I hope and pray that everyone can strengthen their testimonies and understand their worth. I love you sisters. You are amazing. The gospel is true. We renew all our covenants at Church and are blessed with an added measure of the Spirit. Stay strong and close to the Lord.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

¡Adiós Otoño!

Can you believe it's already been a week since we watched General Conference? Man, time flies by so fast! All right, here's what's up this week.

1. Institute on Wednesday, and every Wednesday, at 7:00 pm in B092 JFSB.
2. Thursday, Oct. 17th is the Stake Quick Connect a.k.a Speed dating. Try it out if you're not busy.
3. Friday, Oct. 18th is the Stake Fall Social. More details to come, keep in touch with the ward Facebook page.
4. Relief Society Activity! Bring some treats and crafts to share so we can have fun getting to know each other's talents. :) Also, please email your recipes to Ashley so they can be share and enjoyed by all later.
5. Ward Conference is on Oct. 27th, the theme is Moroni 10:32. Please study that scripture to be spiritually prepared. Sacrament meeting will run for an hour and a half, then RS will be combined for the remaining hour and a half.
6. Following Ward Conference, there will be a stake musical fireside that evening at the Costco North Chapel.
7. Jackie Crane needs to sell her contract in Fleur-de-Lis, so please help advertise! It's a great place to live and she has wonderful roomies.
8. The Happiness Project will get going now and will be headed by Megan Burrell. She's pretty fantastic. It's a project to work on improving in a way that's fun and not daunting. We can work together, strengthen each other, and come closer to Christ.

Well that's all super exciting. This is a busy month, but it'll be fun. I hope everyone is doing well and keeping up. If y'all ever want any other announcements, or repeats, in the newsletter, just let me know. Y'all are great.

Now for the lesson recap. However, like always I don't take down exact quotes, so feel free to comment and help us all learn.
Kylee Jacobsen gave a beautiful lesson on the doctrine and importance of visiting teaching.

President David O. McKay in 1937 said:
I pray that [a] spirit of oneness may spread throughout all the Church, that it may be characteristic of Presidencies of Stakes and High Councils, Bishoprics, [Home Teachers], and particularly of the quorums and auxiliaries of the Church, that they may all be one, to quote the Savior, as he and his Father are one.

With that in mind, what is Relief Society? What are the 3 purposes of Relief Society?
1. Increase faith and righteousness
2. Strengthen families and homes
3. Seek out and help those in need

During Christ's earthly ministry he invited women to be his disciples. In the ancient Church, sisters served others, increased in holiness, and participated in the saving of souls. President Joseph Smith said that Relief Society is "not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls."

Mosiah 18:8-11
8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;

9 Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—

10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?

11 And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts.

The baptismal covenant we make encompasses the responsibilities of visiting teaching.
Kiersten Favero commented that the word desire really stood out to her. She said, "our desires will lead us to what we need to do."
As you live your baptismal covenant, your will and Heavenly Father's will align.

Elder Robert D. Hales said
When we make and keep covenants, we are coming out of the world and into the kingdom of God.
We are changed. We look different, and we act different. The things we listen to and read and say are different, and what we wear is different because we become daughters of God bound to Him by covenant.
When we are confirmed, we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, the right to have the constant influence of a member of the Godhead to guide us, to comfort us, and to protect us. He warns us when we are tempted to walk away from our covenants and back into the world.
Brittany Bailey commented, "When I was baptized, I immediately signed up for the 'I'll be what you want me to be' assignment, like we sang in sacrament meeting. Give Him your all. B, say, go. Visiting teaching is one way to do that. It's a way to serve Heavenly Father in an unnatural way to us, but it's a good habit."
Jackie Crane said, "It shows a lot of importance that the entire RS broadcast was to keep covenants. At least that's what stood out to me. It's exceedingly important that we do."
Ashley Gengler followed by saying, "I don't think I viewed it as a covenant until recently. I was thinking about how much we have to do in one of our presidency meetings and I thought, 'that's it! We need help as a presidency and that's visiting teaching! We're trying to take care of everyone. That one person is super important to God. If you don't go visit them, who will?"
Visiting teachers minister to others by increasing their faith, strengthening homes, and providing relief.

Women fulfill these purposes as they seek, receive, and and act on personal revelation in their callings and in their personal lives (DMK pg. xi).

Sister Julie B. Beck has repeatedly taught (DMK pg. 158):
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life.... It requires a conscious effort to diminish distractions, but having the spirit of revelation makes it possible to prevail over opposition and persist in faith through difficult days and essential routine tasks.... When we have done our very best, we may still experience disappointments, but we will not be disappointed in ourselves. We can feel certain that the Lord is pleased when we feel the Spirit working through us.

When you give your report be sure to not just say that you visited your sisters. Answer the question: What service was rendered? Also, don't wait to report until the end of the month. When you finish with a visit, report it so that if the sister has a need, that information can be communicated correctly and efficiently to help and support her.

President Spencer W. Kimball taught (DMK pg. 117):
There are many sisters who are living in rags -- spiritual rags. They are entitled to gorgeous robes, spiritual robes.... It is your privilege to go into homes and exchange robes for rags....
... You are going to save souls, and who can tell but that many of the fine active people in the Church today are active because you were in their homes and gave them a new outlook, a new vision. You pulled back the curtain. You extended their horizons....
You see, you are not only saving these sisters, but perhaps also their husbands and their homes.

You never know what your impact will be. Pray before you go and visit your sisters individually and as a companionship, and you will receive revelation for them.

President Gordon B. Hinckley (DMK pg. 113):
Who, even in the wildest stretch of imagination, can fathom the uncountable acts of charity that have been performed, the food that has been put on barren tables, the faith that has been nurtured in desperate hours of illness, the wounds that have been bound up, the pains that have been ameliorated by loving hands and quiet and reassuring words, the comfort that has been extended in times of death and consequent loneliness?

What a lesson! Thanks Ky.

Dear sisters, I know this is the gospel of Jesus Christ. He wants to comfort us and be there for us. And He is, but many times He answers our cries for help through the acts of others. I know we can be ministering angels as we follow the guidance of the Spirit and do as our Father in Heaven and Savior would have us do. The blessings are innumerable. I love visiting teaching. You will build friendships that are stronger than most others as you serve in love and faith. -Emilie

Saturday, October 12, 2013

General Conference Notes

Hey friends.
I just thought I'd share something with you. In my Doctrine and Covenants class my professor asked us to write down doctrines/principles, invitations, and blessings that the Apostles and Prophet spoke about in Conference. I thought it was a really neat exercise, so here are my notes. Well, they're not notes, but they've helped me pick out some critical information aside from the spiritual lessons I learned. Let me know what you think or anything else you may have learned. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Elder Robert D. Hales
Doctrine/Principle: Listen to/ follow the counsel of the Lord’s anointed.
Invitation: Ponder and pray to understand what’s been taught, then go and do.
Blessings: Strength, protection, recognition that Heavenly Father has spoken to you.

Elder David A. Bednar
Doctrine/Principle: Tithing
Invitation(s): Pay an honest, full tithe.
Blessings: Significant, but subtle blessings; simplicity of the Lord’s way.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Doctrine/Principle: Perfect Gospel of Christ, imperfect people.
Invitation(s): Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith; strive to keep the commandments.
Blessings: Comfort, peace, stronger testimony.

President Boyd K. Packer
Doctrine/Principle: Daily scripture study.
Invitation(s): Make scripture reading a part of your regular routine; repentance.
Blessings: Healing power of the Atonement.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Doctrine/Principle: Divine nature of women.
Invitation(s): Protect and cultivate the moral force within you.
Blessings: Your influence will never falter.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Doctrine/Principles: Charity and Love
Invitation(s): Ask for blessings; partake of the sacrament weekly; show compassion to one another.
Blessings: Broken minds can be healed just as broken bones can be healed.

Elder M. Russell Ballard
Doctrine/Principle: Preach the Gospel.
Invitation(s): Reach out in love to neighbors and friends; kneel in prayer and ask for missionary opportunities, then look for them.
Blessings: *If every member of the Church will reach out to just one person by Christmas, millions will feel the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

President Henry B. Eyring
Doctrine/Principle: Plan of Happiness
Invitation(s): Lover the Lord, love your neighbor, magnify every calling.
Blessings: Ministering of angels; equally yoked in marriage without discord.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Doctrine/Principle: No other Gods before me.
Invitation(s): Make God the center of your universe.
Blessings: Family on earth and in heaven.

Elder Richard G. Scott
Doctrine/Principle: Recognizing the power of the Atonement in your life.
Invitation(s): Fortify the weak areas; follow the prophet; fill your life with service.
Blessings: Spiritual fortifications between self and any past mistakes; protection.

President Thomas S. Monson
Doctrine/Principle: Steadfast in the faith.
Invitation(s): Remember patience.
Blessings: Ability to face challenges head on; constant companionship of the Savior.

Elder Quentin L. Cook
Doctrine/Principle: Get out of bondage.
Invitation(s): Avoid sin and rebellion; be an advocate for family time.
Blessings: Strong family, peace in the home.

Elder Neil L. Andersen
Doctrine/Principle: Priesthood Power
Invitation(s): Worthily participate in ordinances.
Blessings: Peace, strength, comfort, power.

Elder Russell M. Nelson
Doctrine/Principle: Children of God
Invitation(s): Master apatite.
Blessings: True and permanent change comes through the cleansing and healing power of the Atonement of Christ.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy Sunday!

Hey everyone!

We've got a lot going on today! First, y'all are fabulous. Don't forget it. ;)

Okay, announcements:
1. Tonight is the Stake Leadership Meeting at 7:00pm at the Costco North Chapel 710 S 800 E in Orem. There are 2 chapels on that street, so it's the northernmost chapel.
Here's who needs to attend (I think I have all of them, but I'm not positive):
-Bishopric, ward clerks, executive secretaries, ward mission leader, Elder's Quorum presidencies and secretaries
-Relief Society presidencies and secretaries, Sunday School chairs, FHE coordinators, ALL instructors (RS, EQ, SS), family history and indexing chairs, and spiritual and temporal wellness chairs.
-Probably any other committee chairs that I've forgotten. Double check with Bishop.
2. Due to the training meeting, ward prayer will be at 9:00pm outside Fleur-de-Lis.
3. FHE tomorrow night @ 7pm.
4. Institute @ 7pm in B002 JFSB on Wednesday.
5. General Conference is this weekend! WOOHOO! Get stoked! Saturday and Sunday!
6. That means fast Sunday is on October 13th.
Then a heads up for later, more details to come...
7. Stake Fall Social on October 18th.
8. Ward Conference October 27th.

Okay, so that was a lot. Whew. OH! Hold on! We can't forget this one...

Mariah Livengood became engaged on Saturday just before the RS broadcast! :D
Ask her for the details.

Now for the lesson recap:
Jaden Harvier was our beautiful teacher today! She taught us from President Monson's April 2013 Conference talk.

Jaden started out telling us about an experience she had as a kid. Her parents warned her to not go swimming in the ditch. Her cousins and friends would always swim without any problems, so one day she decided to join them. Well, she ended up getting a big cut on her knee from a piece of glass. It was kind of an obvious consequence for her that she had disobeyed.

Commandments are guidelines. Like traffic signs, they don't punish us, but protect us. God doesn't want to punish us.

A story that President Monson shared in his talk was about two boys who were pulling weeds. They didn't like how long it was taking, so they decided to burn the weeds. The fire quickly got out of hand and the boys had to run for help. Had they obeyed, they wouldn't have had such a hard time.

Sometimes people mock us for obeying, and sometimes we wonder why we obey, but it is always a worthy goal.

1 Nephi 17:3 nourishment, strength, means to accomplish commandment
Mosiah 2:41 blessed and happy state temporally and spiritually
D&C 58:3-4 glory and blessings after much tribulation

Brittany Bailey commented: It's not only that we're blessed later on, but now. She shared the experience of explaining to a trusted friend why she doesn't participate in commercial activities on Sundays. This friend was having a hard time understanding, but Brittany explained that blessings aren't just for after this life. That very day she saw blessings of not participating in those activities.

Mackenzie Scott commented: It requires a lot of faith to be obedient. That obedience is always accompanied by immediate peace.
Marren Hanneberg commented: Sometimes we don't know why we are asked to do something, but we can say "God asked me to."

Ashley Gengler commented: The hardest things will be a sacrifice, but everything God commands us to do will bring us happiness. He doesn't benefit from us obeying or not obeying, but we do.

Arianne Sam shared a story from high school: She went to school where there were a lot of members of the Church, but she still decided that she would not date anyone who was not a member of the Church, so that they would always have the same standards. One time a really nice, good guy, who wasn't a member of the Church, asked her out on a date. Her friends said she should go on that date with him because he was a good guy, but she had decided that she wouldn't. He later started attending seminary and was baptized. He told her that he had asked another girl on a date and she gave the same response. He decided that if Arianne gave the same response, the Church must be true for two different girls to respond the same. On the flip side, if she had agreed he would've decided that the Church wasn't true.

One of the classic and most inspiring examples of obedience is that of Abraham and Isaac.
In relation to this story, Caitlin Metzger commented: Heavenly Father know, but wanted Abraham to know that he could be obedient to any commandments the Lord gave him.
Sarah Metzger said: One day while she was out running she passed an elderly woman raking her yard. She had a prompting to turn around and ask if the lady needed help. She had had a similar prompting years before and didn't follow it, so she did this time. The lady didn't need help. But as she was leaving Sarah felt like she was given the prompting to understand that she will follow more important promptings later in life.

All prophets have known that obedience is essential to salvation. Nephi didn't know how many people would be blessed for his obedience, but he was faithful anyways.
Jaden's great-great-grandfather was an interpreter for the missionaries when they first started preaching to her people. He had no interest in joining the Church, he just interpreted. After a while there was a famine in the area. He was told to go look in a specific place for food. He said, "There's not going to be any food there." After more prompting he went and found a loaf of bread. He was converted after that, and the first lamanite ward was formed.

We receive revelation through prayer and scripture study, then put that plan into action through obedience. -Barbara Winders

Rachel McCracken commented: Trials are going to come, but as we stay obedient and remember covenants we will be blessed. Heavenly Father will give us that lighter burden.

Everything works out better if you choose the right and do what's right. -Jaden Harvier

General Relief Society Broadcast

Hello Dear Sisters!

I hope most of you had the opportunity to watch the broadcast last night. It was wonderful. However, if for your personal reasons you were unable to, here is a brief recap. Of course you can watch it online, but these are just some thoughts I managed to write down. In fact, I encourage you to watch it online, because my notes don't do justice to the spiritual knowledge that was acquired.

Here's the link:

First to speak was Sister Linda Burton, Relief Society General President:
Why should we make and keep covenants? They protect us. They allow us to strengthen each other in our burdens. Sharing burdens is keeping covenants.
Study the plan of happiness to better understand the ordinances of the temple.
Go to the temple to make covenants. Come home to keep them. (*I love this!)
If we really understood everything the Savior did for us, we would be anxiously doing all that He asks of us.

Second, Sister Carole Stephens, Relief Society First Counselor:
Those who want to serve the Lord need to serve others every day for their whole lives.
Who needs a little encouragement? Ask your Father in Heaven about her. He knows her better than anyone else. Be patient and consistent. The Relief Society was organized to save souls. What are you doing to participate?

She shared a wonderful story about a dear sister in Russia who openly invites and cares about everyone she meets into her home. She always tries to share the gospel. She follows the instructions in Luke 22: When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. She understands Elder Holland's reminder:
An invitation that is born of our love for others and for the Lord Jesus Christ, will never be seen as offensive or judgmental.
I thought that was so great that this sister in Russia is really taking to heart the counsels of our living prophet and apostles. When someone was offended she would take note and tell that was ridiculous.

Third, Sister Linda Reeves, Relief Society Second Counselor:
She started by relating the story of the Provo Tabernacle fire. Everyone was devastated that such a beautiful, historic building had been almost completely destroyed. Then we were all overjoyed when President Monson announced last October that it is to become a temple. Heavenly Father had a plan the whole time to take something beautiful, and make it more.
Pray unto God with firmness of conviction and exceeding faith and He will console you in your afflictions. Sometimes He allows us to be tried and afflicted, almost to the point where it's too much, but He has a plan to make us the temples He needs. In the end, all that really matters is how well we've kept our covenants.

Lastly, President Monson spoke to the sisters of the Church:
Relief Society is a vital part of the Lord's Church.
How can I keep my sights fixed on the Celestial as I travel through the Telestial? Remember prayer.

We should ask daily, "Did [I] think to pray?"
Remember prayer and take time to study the scriptures. Your afflictions and burdens will be lightened.