I hope most of you had the opportunity to watch the broadcast last night. It was wonderful. However, if for your personal reasons you were unable to, here is a brief recap. Of course you can watch it online, but these are just some thoughts I managed to write down. In fact, I encourage you to watch it online, because my notes don't do justice to the spiritual knowledge that was acquired.
Here's the link:
First to speak was Sister Linda Burton, Relief Society General President:
Why should we make and keep covenants? They protect us. They allow us to strengthen each other in our burdens. Sharing burdens is keeping covenants.
Study the plan of happiness to better understand the ordinances of the temple.
Go to the temple to make covenants. Come home to keep them. (*I love this!)
If we really understood everything the Savior did for us, we would be anxiously doing all that He asks of us.
Second, Sister Carole Stephens, Relief Society First Counselor:
Those who want to serve the Lord need to serve others every day for their whole lives.
Who needs a little encouragement? Ask your Father in Heaven about her. He knows her better than anyone else. Be patient and consistent. The Relief Society was organized to save souls. What are you doing to participate?
She shared a wonderful story about a dear sister in Russia who openly invites and cares about everyone she meets into her home. She always tries to share the gospel. She follows the instructions in Luke 22: When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. She understands Elder Holland's reminder:
An invitation that is born of our love for others and for the Lord Jesus Christ, will never be seen as offensive or judgmental.I thought that was so great that this sister in Russia is really taking to heart the counsels of our living prophet and apostles. When someone was offended she would take note and tell that was ridiculous.
Third, Sister Linda Reeves, Relief Society Second Counselor:
She started by relating the story of the Provo Tabernacle fire. Everyone was devastated that such a beautiful, historic building had been almost completely destroyed. Then we were all overjoyed when President Monson announced last October that it is to become a temple. Heavenly Father had a plan the whole time to take something beautiful, and make it more.
Pray unto God with firmness of conviction and exceeding faith and He will console you in your afflictions. Sometimes He allows us to be tried and afflicted, almost to the point where it's too much, but He has a plan to make us the temples He needs. In the end, all that really matters is how well we've kept our covenants.
Lastly, President Monson spoke to the sisters of the Church:
Relief Society is a vital part of the Lord's Church.
How can I keep my sights fixed on the Celestial as I travel through the Telestial? Remember prayer.
We should ask daily, "Did [I] think to pray?"
Remember prayer and take time to study the scriptures. Your afflictions and burdens will be lightened.
Thanks for sharing Emilie! I just wanted to share my testimony briefly: I loved the broadcast! I especially loved President Monson's story about the woman who felt prompted to share bread with an almost-stranger. Homemade bread is a small and simple thing, but Christ knew it was a big thing to that woman at that time. I know that God sends us little miracles every day, and He usually sends us those miracles and answers our prayers through other people. I know God cares about all the "little" things we care about. He is sad when we are sad and happy when we are happy. He loves us and knows us. I am so grateful for the many incredible people He has sent to me in times of trial, hardship, and discouragement. Already, many of you have said or done things that have impacted my life in "little," but yet very significant ways. Thank you! I know God loves us, and that fact is so incredible to me! "I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me!" I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.