Saturday, October 12, 2013

General Conference Notes

Hey friends.
I just thought I'd share something with you. In my Doctrine and Covenants class my professor asked us to write down doctrines/principles, invitations, and blessings that the Apostles and Prophet spoke about in Conference. I thought it was a really neat exercise, so here are my notes. Well, they're not notes, but they've helped me pick out some critical information aside from the spiritual lessons I learned. Let me know what you think or anything else you may have learned. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Elder Robert D. Hales
Doctrine/Principle: Listen to/ follow the counsel of the Lord’s anointed.
Invitation: Ponder and pray to understand what’s been taught, then go and do.
Blessings: Strength, protection, recognition that Heavenly Father has spoken to you.

Elder David A. Bednar
Doctrine/Principle: Tithing
Invitation(s): Pay an honest, full tithe.
Blessings: Significant, but subtle blessings; simplicity of the Lord’s way.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Doctrine/Principle: Perfect Gospel of Christ, imperfect people.
Invitation(s): Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith; strive to keep the commandments.
Blessings: Comfort, peace, stronger testimony.

President Boyd K. Packer
Doctrine/Principle: Daily scripture study.
Invitation(s): Make scripture reading a part of your regular routine; repentance.
Blessings: Healing power of the Atonement.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Doctrine/Principle: Divine nature of women.
Invitation(s): Protect and cultivate the moral force within you.
Blessings: Your influence will never falter.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Doctrine/Principles: Charity and Love
Invitation(s): Ask for blessings; partake of the sacrament weekly; show compassion to one another.
Blessings: Broken minds can be healed just as broken bones can be healed.

Elder M. Russell Ballard
Doctrine/Principle: Preach the Gospel.
Invitation(s): Reach out in love to neighbors and friends; kneel in prayer and ask for missionary opportunities, then look for them.
Blessings: *If every member of the Church will reach out to just one person by Christmas, millions will feel the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

President Henry B. Eyring
Doctrine/Principle: Plan of Happiness
Invitation(s): Lover the Lord, love your neighbor, magnify every calling.
Blessings: Ministering of angels; equally yoked in marriage without discord.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Doctrine/Principle: No other Gods before me.
Invitation(s): Make God the center of your universe.
Blessings: Family on earth and in heaven.

Elder Richard G. Scott
Doctrine/Principle: Recognizing the power of the Atonement in your life.
Invitation(s): Fortify the weak areas; follow the prophet; fill your life with service.
Blessings: Spiritual fortifications between self and any past mistakes; protection.

President Thomas S. Monson
Doctrine/Principle: Steadfast in the faith.
Invitation(s): Remember patience.
Blessings: Ability to face challenges head on; constant companionship of the Savior.

Elder Quentin L. Cook
Doctrine/Principle: Get out of bondage.
Invitation(s): Avoid sin and rebellion; be an advocate for family time.
Blessings: Strong family, peace in the home.

Elder Neil L. Andersen
Doctrine/Principle: Priesthood Power
Invitation(s): Worthily participate in ordinances.
Blessings: Peace, strength, comfort, power.

Elder Russell M. Nelson
Doctrine/Principle: Children of God
Invitation(s): Master apatite.
Blessings: True and permanent change comes through the cleansing and healing power of the Atonement of Christ.

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