Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy February!

Hello again.

This week, I'd like to reemphasize the ward goals. They are beautiful and I think it would help everyone to reread and ponder them.
1. Build upon the Rock of Christ (or come unto Christ) through daily meaningful prayer and scripture study.
2. Build upon the Rock of Christ through daily service.
3. Build upon the Rock of Christ through regular temple attendance.

Okay, here are the announcements coming up. There's some good stuff coming up this month.
1. Bishop has asked that we all increase the reverence when we come to Church on Sundays. Yes, we meet in a classroom, but it has been dedicated as a chapel. Please strive to be more reverent with everyone you need to communicate with when you come in. It will really help invite the Spirit and enhance the opportunity to receive revelation for everyone.
2. If you haven't received your ecclesiastical endorsement, it's better to do it sooner rather than later.
3. Monday Feb 3rd is FHE and @ 9pm Basketball/Track at the RB.
4. Wednesday Feb 5th @ 7pm is Institute @ B092 JFSB
5. Saturday Feb 8th @ 12:15pm is our ward women's basketball team's game.
6. Saturday Feb 8th from 9-11:30pm is the Stake "Break the Ice" activity at Seven Peaks Ice Arena.
7. Thursday Feb 13th is our ward music night. Talk to Cassandra if you want to participate. It's more like a talent or un-talent night. There will be karaoke.
8. Sunday Feb 16th is a Stake Fireside. More details to come.

Ashley was our fabulous teacher today. She taught from Daughters in My Kingdom.

“Guardians of the Hearth”

I have had this topic on my mind lately. As you know, I go to BYU law school. A lot of women tend to confide in me. I had one friend in particular recently confide in me that she wants to have a baby, but she’s afraid of telling her friends because she’s not focusing as hoard on her school.
What is the role of women? Why are we here? What’s the most important thing about this?
Our Church’s way, is not the way of the world. Please consider these questions as we go through this.
This is a very broad concept and I would like a lot of discussion.

Satan and the World
Satan is working overtime to attack the family. He tells us that marriage is not important, that children do not need a father and a mother, and that strong families are not important. He tells us that moral values are old-fashioned and silly. When challenges come,...

I feel like Satan is kind of sliding in on this one. I thought of a million ways that Satan gets us to forget our divine roles. What are some ways he trips us up?
Brittany: One of the biggest ways is that quality is sameness. Both people have to work and half time parents and that’s the only way to equally do things. That and I think the world has passed value judgements on those two things. I think they did it wrong. I think if anything should be aspired to, it’s not the career. Our husbands will have careers, but he will support and provide for us in the home. The fact that the world A says if you’re in the home than you’re not doing more important things. B. the only way to be equal is to be the same. It’s been a perspective shift, but I think it’s really important.
Aahley: I’m glad you said that. There’s another talk by elder Christofferson talks about that. I went to a talk the other day that was very powerful for me. It’s interesting because I think we see men as getting to go after their career while we’re defined by motherhood. It’s not intended for us to be defined by our careers. The most important thing our husbands will do is also be a father. Sometimes we’re so focused on career vs. staying home, but once there’s imbalance we’ll see what’s really important.
Arianne: My aunt just had a daughter and quit her great job as a lawyer. My Grandmother gave her some great advice: being a mother is very important. You’ll feel like you’re helping more than all the good things you did in your career. Keep yourself feeling like this is as important as your professional life and you’ll realize this is one of the most important things you could be doing. You just need to make it feel like it’s important.
Ashley: I think that’s what was making me feel the most sad in the last month. I’m not making any judgement on career paths, but no matter what you choose we have to appreciate motherhood.
Arianne: Our church leaders don’t frown on education, they’re just saying don’t let that become more important than motherhood.
Ryan: It’s kind of like we’re focused to get a career until we’re married. Everything we do is to help us prepare for becoming mothers.
Ashley: I’ve thought that forever. I’ll share a quick story. Oftentimes when I go on blind dates, I’ve been asked a couple times by guys right after telling them I’m in law school. “So you’re a lawyer?” they’re kind of passing judgement and trying to figure out if I want it to be my everything. For me law school is something I’m passionate about, but it will definitely help me be a better mother. I’m trying to gear everything I’m doing toward being a mother. Someday your kids going to come to you with a challenge, and you’ve been there. All these things really give us experience in ways we don’t realize. You can still dream as long as you keep God in the forefront.
Christine: I feel like I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I grew up with a single mom. I feel like my eyes are so wide open to this topic. I want to pursue my career and be a mother. My last companion on my mission is from Orem. I get to see them all the time. Her mom does everything. There’s a partnership she has with her husband. It’s amazing how it is. She created this little business of her own. I think that’s what we can do. There’s definitely room for other passions, but she has shown me that you can do it.
Ashley: You, Arianne, touched on how the most important thing you’ll do is be a mother. I have some similar passions where I want to help people who are wrongfully convicted. I was listening to a TED talk the other day. This one was completely non-controversial. We need to fix the murderers. Almost every single person he knew on death row, came from a bad family. Especially problems with their mothers. Instead of pouring more money into prisons and creating jobs for women to work more, if we could focus on family it would solve a tone of social problems. Everyone knows a mother’s influence in the home is huge, but as a society as a whole it’s also important.
Pres. Hinckley said “You are the guardians of the hearth. Your are the bearers…
One of you a few weeks ago said something that really hit me. We watched that video about fathers. In respect to that last quote, you said, of all of his roles he still wants to be known as father. So what does that say about women as mothers? Why is it our most important role and god’s most important role?
Adrianne: Someone said her most important duty is taking care of God’s children on earth. Obviously we’re not gods here, but you’re playing the role as close as you can be here.
Ashley: My mom is funny. She was very protective of us as kids. She wouldn’t let anyone but my grandma babysit us until we were about 5. Heavenly Father trusts us to raise his children and shape their very lives. He knows what it will do for us. The family is about everyone growing.
Rachel: I like what you were saying, how we all need everyone to grow. This week I have a new niece. But I was talking to my mom about it and asked her how she feels about it. She said, I think they’ll do great. They were born to be parents. The principles of the Family proclamation is for the world. It brings me so much joy. It can be terrifying, but what a wonderful blessing that is that we’re born to be parents.
“however mothers need not fear. When mothers know who God is and have confidence in him, …” we are his children, he’s not going to let us fail.
Ashley: Read Ch. 9, then go read “the moral force of women” by Elder Christofferson.
We have so much power in the world, even before we’re mothers.
“In all events, a mother can exert …
I love that. We vie for jobs that help society, but they will end eventually. This is one thing that will never end. I have a testimony of this already, but I know that more joy and happiness comes from this eternal career than any other thing.
Now what? That’s what I want to end this lesson with today.
“The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. …” Sis. Beck
I love that quote because it has been applicable to so many areas of my life. I know that will continue as well. I remember being in a fireside with her once. Someone asked her what it is that we could be doing now, what the most important skill is. She answered in this same way. It’s all about revelation. That’s how we grow. This is something I think we can and should focus on right now.
What else can we do to prepare for motherhood?
A boy yesterday mentioned that God has a special place for women. There’s nothing more motivating than a good girl who likes you. Right now in our little sphere, how can we exert motherhood and moral influence?
Ky: I think right now as young single adults, we should be focusing on getting that skill to receive and act on personal revelation. We should also be worthy. We should be in places where we can acquire that skill. It is very much a skill to listen to the Spirit and what Heavenly Father has for us. When you develop that skill now, you’ll be prepare for your family.
Ashley: I was contemplating that this week. With all that's going on in my life, I need the Lord. I’m completely useless without his help. I’ve totally learned that the hard way. If you’re not completely worthy, it’s all out the window. Anything you can do to increase that worthiness is going to help that relationship.
Ky: the last couple weeks this has hit home for me. I’ve graduated and feel like a bum. After being at home for 2 weeks and not doing anything, is not good not only was I not doing anything, I was just stuck. I was talking with Brooke because she was in the same place a few months ago. You need to read your scriptures and pray. When you do those little things you put yourself in the place to receive revelation. You need that. Without the Lord, you can’t do anything. Since then I feel like I’m doing more good things and I have that peace and quiet that just makes me happy.
Ashley: The lord wants to help you. I’ve been there after pretty rough times when it felt like I was very far away. But he’s there with open arms.
Kiersten: with the moral influence question, it’s kind of hard to be excellent. When you try all the time to be your best, sometimes when people ask you to do something and you say no, you’re worried they’ll judge you, but they normally end up respecting you. If we’re to become the best now, and not everyone understands it, then we’ll be better for it and help others.
Ashley: We love/hate to compare ourselves to others. When we cut that out, we’ll see ourselves how Heavenly Father sees us. He wants us to be queens.
Ginger: It’s so important to be so firm that our children will always trust that we’ll do the right thing. It’s so important to be strong and steadfast because the world isn’t going to teach our children true things. If we begin now, they will be that much more ingrained in us. If we go forward with purpose, we’ll get there and we’ll be prepared.
Ashley: The last year I decided to stop worrying so much about getting married and being a good wife. It’s been more fun and fulfilling for me to think about what I’m doing right now to think about how what I’m doing will help me be a good mother. I challenge you to think about what you’re doing and think about the meaning of the things you’re doing and how they will help you be a mother.
I have a firm testimony that if you put the things of the gospel first in your life, than Heavenly Father will help you. I have a strong testimony of our divine role. At the end of the day, the most important thing I can share with you is that Heavenly Father really loves you and trusts you to raise his children. Make the most of your talents and skills.

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